Chapter 12- Explosive Chibis

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I sat there doing nothing like the entire few months I had been here. March was almost. Cisco had gone missing after a while of Barry acting odd. I could see where they were taking him, but Wells was stalling them and I had been getting frustrated. Wells is distracted now I can test my theory. I stood up and raised my hands using the outside to shift the door up. I lifted and I ran sliding under it just before it faltered and fell back down. An alarn went off and I ran slipping into my suit checking servailence to see them all check the pipeline. They were headed to Rainbow Raider's first and I grabbed my black silk which I had hidden in STAR labs. I flew to where Cisco and his brother were being held. "You're a good brother," Snart said. I rolled down pulling out my bo staff extending it as I stood as a barrier between Snart and the Ramons. "Not to mention his immaculate taste in friends," I said kicking the gun out of Snart's hand and whacking him upside the head. "What kinda people do you hang out with," his brother asked. "The Central City vigilantes," I said cuffing Snart. "Not so big without your gun," I teased. His sister came in and I swiped my hand making their guns fall to the floor. I weighted their feet down and cuffed them. I turned on my coms syncing it to the overhead which Hartley actually taught me, saying, "Don't trust Lilly Wilson." Cisco looked at me confused and I lifted them all flying us to STAR Labs.

I took off my mask putting down the tranqued rougues. Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco looked between me and the clone. Wells was tensed up ready to attack me. "Step away from my boyfriend," I said sternly lifting the bow we left for Oliver which I had used my powers makeing it fly into my hands. "That was so badass," Cisco said and the clone took out one of my bo staffs. "How the hell did you get out of the cell," She demanded. "You mean the cell you put me in," I asked making Wells sit back hiding the smug look on his face. Got you right where I want you. "Fun fact I couldn't open it from the inside but gravity is outside the cells too maybe you should check next time when you close the cells that they're closed fully," I said releasing the arrow and it sunk into her head. I lowered the bow setting it on the tabel and lifted the rouges putting them each in a cell. I closed off the vault. It had actually been a bit lonely without the sarcastic little douchebag.

I walked back to the cortex and Barry just poked me. "Explain," Dr. Wells said. I sat in a spinny chair. "A month ago I had gone to check on Jason and Roy when there was two streaks the reverse flash, but there was your streak even though I'm positive you were still checking on Joe. Then the red streak with yellow lightning went into this blue field and suddenly I was in one of the cells. The Reverse Flash sped away as my clone said how she planned on getting close to you guys so she could destroy my life. She was grown by the Reverse Flash who she worked for. I was able to see everything on a projection she had set up to drive me crazy. Didn't work I'm tougher than she thought. I also had the 'pleasureable' Hartley to keep company. He actually was the one who helped me get out," I said. "That's ironic," Cisco said. "Well it's good to actually have you back," Caitlin said hugging me. Cisco was next and Wells squeezed my shoulder wheeling off to do whatever. That left me alone with Barry.

"What I don't get a hug," I asked. "Sorry I just. I don't know," he said sitting against the tabel. I faced him tilting my head concerned. "Share," I said. "Not only could I not tell the difference between a clone and my girlfriend, but I watched a version of you die. I- I know it wasn't actually you, but seeing someone who looked like you, well was, I guess I don't know,  it's alot to process not to mention even though I knew you had killed before I could never see you actually killing anything and I guess it just kind of threw me off," he admitted.

I sighed looking away before looking at him taking his hand in mine. "I never wanted to ever revisit the killer I was or to kill anything ever again, but the thought of something that was me potentially hurting the people I care about, the people I love, I acted on instinct because I trusted myself a little too much," I said, "If you need time that's absolutely fine, but I'm still me and I will always be here for you Barry." He looked at me confused. "You're not upset," he asked. I shook my head answering, "Of course not. Bar, I get it. I have been where you are now. Not to mention I just want you to be happy. Seeing you like you were after I had disappeared killed me so if I can ever do anything keep you from feeling like that ever again I will do what is in my power to do it, because even though you are my boyfriend you're still my best friend too no matter what."

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