Chapter 8- Sweetheart?

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"Good day lovelies," said the voice. I glanced at Barry because his computer was talking too. "You have all been nominated for te Dubsmash Wars the winners will be put in a compilation video for every dubsmash that you have in the video you recieve one hundred dollars. May the funnies be with you," the masked person said. I looked at Barry who just shrugged. As I was finishing my last chart I glanced up at Barry who was looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "What did you do now," I asked. "Uhhh well my Aunt Claire is coming in from Metropolis and she might have gotten the impression from Iris that I have... a girlfriend," Barry said. I raised an eyebrow as he continued, "I need a girl for Thanksgiving day this upcoming friday." "It's Thurseday and the answer is no. I am not pretending to be your fake girlfriend," I said and scanned my chart hitting enter. "Please Lil, she was diagnosed with lung cancer and she's doesn't have enough time to see me find a girlfriend on my own and when Iris told her she was so happy," Barry said. "You did not just pull the cancer card," I said. "I- please Lilly you are an amazing actress and we're already pretty close," he insisted. I sighed in deafeat, "Only because she has cancer." "Yes! Thank you so much," he said and ran over hugging me and then let go smiling, "you are a life saver." "And you are a butt face," I said laughing a bit. I picked up my bag slinging it on my shoulder.

Finally home I closed the door smiling like crazy as I bit my lip and fist pumped the air. Wilsallen is still sailing! I chuckled and walked to my room getting a call from Barry. Be cool Lilly be cool! "Heyo," I said. "Hey Lil would you mind coming over to talk about this so our stories link up," he said. "Yeah," I answered and there was knock at the door. "Open up then," he said. I hung up taking my bag as I opened the door. Barry picked me up and suddenly we were in his living room. I stood dusting myself off and waved at Joe. "We're dating now," Barry said. Joe spat out his tea coughing and went, "When did this finaly happen." "Not actually dating, dating," we jinxed. "She's my fake girlfriend because Iris told Aunt Claire that I have a girlfriend and she's an amazing actress and we're close anyways," Barry explained. Joe grabbed a napkin cleaning up his tea. "Okay," he said. I was stifling a laugh as we walked up to Barry's room.

"So what's our first date," he asked. "Why don't we go on an actual faux first date," I suggested. "And just change the date," Barry suggested. "Bingo," I said. "Umm date was November fith," Barry said. I nodded and he looked up, "Actual fake date tomorrow night after work it's a suprise." he said. I nodded. "We know everything else about each other so," I said trailing off. "Yeah oh... I need to let my dad in on it," Barry said with an oh shit face. I raised an eyebrow. "It's his sister she's gonna wanna see him. That works out though because I haven't seen him since Halloween," Barry said. I nodded a bit staying quiet. "Wait are we letting him in on the whole thing or that we're 'dating' so my big mouth doesn't blab," I said. He looked at me and shrugged, "Uh we'll tell him we're dating and then when she's gone we'll tell him the real story." "Okay," I said. He looked at his watch and suddenly I was in his arms my head burried in his chest as the world passed by in seconds. We were now standing outside of Iron Hieghts. I straightened myself out and nodded as we walked inside and Barry laced his fingers through mine causing the return of the evil butterflies. I walked silently besides him as we were brought to the meeting area. Barry sat down and I just sat in his lap waiting for Henry.

Barry put the phone between us and Henry asked. "Barry who is lovely young woman you've brought to meet me," Henry asked a bit suspiciously. "Hey Henry it's me Lil," I said with a sheepish grin. "I wanted you to meet my girlfriend," Barry said and laced his fingers with mine. I looked at Henry's happy shocked face as he said, "Lilly!? Oh my lord you look so much like your father but with your mother's eyes of course. I just knew you two would end up together. I'm so proud of you both and so happy for you both." I smiled at my lap saying, "Thank you." Barry was chuckling. "Oh and guess what," Barry said knowing I hated attention on me. "What," Mr. Allen asked. "Aunt Claire is flying in," Barry said. "Really," Henry asked an excited glimmer in his eyes. "Yeah I guess I'm meeting all the family," I said a bit jokingly. Henry chuckled asking, "How long have you two been dating?" "Our first date was the.... fifth of November," I asked. Barry nodded, "Yeah, because we made it official the day after and Iris totally flipped out excited." "Oh yeaaahh 'cuz she called we'd be officially dating atleast twenty four hours after our date," I said. Barry laughed knowing that is something Iris would do which was why Henry chuckled a well.

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