Chapter 2- A Depressing Tub of Disappointment

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Barry had gone home the previous night so I woke up in my room instead of the couch. It was Sunday morning and I groaned. I had woken up on my own around noon and showered turning my music on before going in. I hated silence because it made me paranoid that a horror movie may come to life, so I always played my music or read becase reading was an amazing distraction. Especially while my dad was shot and killed on duty and my mom had to move because we couldn't afford to live in Central anymore. It was odd though because for most people I talked to books were their only friends as for me they were only an escape. I got out and blow dried my hair, straightening it before I walked to my room.

I pulled on my camo jeans that were a bit ripped up. As I pulled on my cropped skeleton bone long sleeve shirt I saw my tattoo on the opposit hip of the scar. It was a fading red with black tattoo of a few roses that started on my hip bone and wrapped around that entire side and part of my back. I had gotten it when I was eightteen in honor of my dad because the red roses where his favorite flower in his garden. I quickly pulled on my baggy deconstructed black sweatshirt that said what ever and was a half sleeve to stop thinking about the tattoo. I changed out my bandage seeing my foot wound was already scabbed over just sore. I decided my black combat booties with the thick heel would be manageable so I pulled them on over my low rise fuzzy socks that knew how to stay in place.

I walked to the bathroom doing light pink and white eye shadow and a winged eyeliner with liner on my bottom lid. I had finished my mascera on one eye as I got a call from Barry. "Hey," I answered putting it on speaker as I transitioned to my left hand to do my left eye's mascera. "How fast can you come down to STAR labs," he asked. I finished my mascera as I slipped on my silver moon choker and my heart fob watch thinking out loud and mumbling to myself. "Uhhh like 10-15 minutes why," I asked slipping on my gold infinity midi ring. I grabbed my beanie and bobby pinned it in as he said. "Fantastic come over," he said. "Wait now," I asked my teeth full of bobby pins. "Yeah now," he said. "Uuggh ahh okay. See you then," I said unsurely and hung up putting the rest of the bobby pinns in. I quickly put in the anti-frizz and brushed my teeth before putting on chapstick. I turned off my music shoving my phone in my pocket and pulled the messanger bag over my head sliding on my glasses. "C'mon Bar gimme a heads up next time," I said out loud. I knocked into the vase and caught it before this one broke too. "Ahhh," I said and fixed it rushing out locking the door. I realized I had forgotten my phone and went back in to look for it. I checked my pockets and looked at it annoyed. "I waisted time on you when I didn't need to. You're a little jerk phone," I mumbled and turned around opening the door smacking my writst and the phone went flying I stopped it from hitting the floor and brought it back to me apologizing, "I'm sorry phone you're not a jerk I love you please don't break I can't afford to replace you." I shoved it in my front pocket and finally ran out.

I walked in through STAR labs and acted totally chill being I was actually early. "Hello Ms. Wilson," Dr. Wells said rolling up in his wheelchair. I had originally imagined Dr. Wells as a sort of Einstein slash Henry mix. Nope! Instead he looks like the movie evil scientist that's here to fuck shit up. Luckily he can't run too far. Hehe. Oh my god brain that's so mean stop being a jerk. Well that's what he gets for playing me like a chess game! Stop talking to yourself Lilly you need to be social. "Hey Dr. Wells," I said. "Leviosa," Cisco shouted. "First of all it's levi-O-sa not levios-A accents on o not the a second what why," I asked. "As your super hero name," Cisco said excitedly. "Two flaws : A- that's a spell copy writed by J.K. Rowling. B- I'm a meta-huma not a witch," I explained laughing. "Guess it's back to the drawing board," Cisco said. Barry was stifling a laugh. "So why did you call me over," I asked. "We need to see your abilities," he pleaded. "That's it," I asked. "Yeah," he said. "I ran down eightteen flights of stairs in heels, smacked my wrist on my door, almost shattered my phone, and nearly tripped into my demise out the lobby door for that," I asked fake annoyance in my voice. "Yep," Barry replied. I groaned, "I thought someone was frickin' dying." "Stop complaining and show us what you can do. N-not here like in the test place," Barry replied.

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