Chapter 15- Reservation For Two

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I woke up and looked around confused. I was so not in Central City. How the hell did I end up in the dungeon of Nanda Parbat. I looked up as others were brought in. "Felicity," I asked. "Dig, Ray, Laurel... Malcolm what the hell is going on," I asked. "Oh my god you're alive," Ray said. "I see that what happened," I asked. "After Oliver tried to kill you and Nyssa, your powers healed you a bit, but after three days in your coma they found us. Joe asked a favor of me to bring you back, but it looks like I got you caught," Tatsu spoke. "I can't believe he's seriously going to marry Nyssa," Felicity said. "I think we have much bigger problems," Dig said. "Woah I have never seen you this pissed off," I said. "I'm still mad he kidnapped my wife as bait to get Nyssa," Dig fumed. "He kidnapped Lyla," I asked confused. "And he tried to kill you," Ray said. "I saw that coming as an ex-heir I was marked for death the second Ollie accepted Ra's request," I answered simply. I pulled out my gloves placing them on the floor and rolled up my sleeves. "This is insane I thought Oliver was stronger than that," I said looking at the floor. Malcolm comfortingly patted my hand and I pulled away saying, "Don't think for a second I forgot what you did to your own daughter." Tatsu was pulled out to be recelled for whatever reason. Oliver requested to speak with Dig and I stared at the wall. Dig came back and I looked up as Ra's held a vile. "The bio weapon from Hong Kong," Merlyn mumbled getting chained back up. When did he leave? I looked at Oliver wide eyed. "You can't let him do this," I raised my voice. He threw in the vile and it broke. "You asked us to trust you and we did! WE believed in you," Felicity shouted frantically. I scoffed still sitting as Oliver closed the glass door.

They all sat down in shock. As the fumes lifted from the vile now becoming airborn. "I nearly died about twenty times at the least and this is how I finally go. With a virus," I mumbled. Laurel shot me a glare, "Seriously you're gonna joke about this?" "Well there's no point in being afraid we're gonna die regardless so might as well let it be," I said. "Oh don't act so tough you're as scared as the rest of us," Laurel mumbled. "Honestly death isn't as bad as living for me at this point," I mumbled. "What are you talking about," Felicity asked. "My mom is dead, my dad has been dead, I have killed so many people and watched so many others that I couldn't save die, I nearly died and did die several times the only people I have to care about are you guys and team meta neither of which is doing so hot right now. I've come back from being dead one too many times," I said. They all just looked at me. "Lilly there is always a reason to keep going," Felicity said. "Look if we do get out of this I will keep going, but only because I still have you guys and Barry and Cisco and Cait and well now Echo, but I'm not afraid of death. Not anymore. She nodded and Merlyn started coughing. "Oh boy," Ray mumbled. Each of us started dropping like flies and eventually it all went dark.

I started coughing which woke me up and I looked around confused. "What the hell is going on," I asked. "Not that I'm complaining, but to add onto Lilly's question shouldn't we be dead," Ray asked. "In order for our plan to work Oliver needed Ra's to fully trust him and after the plane mishap he didn't," Malcolm said. "So it's back to trusting Oliver," Dig said annoyed. "Again not that I'm complaining, but how are we alive," Ray restated. Malcolm pulled off a tape looking thing after explaining the vaccination. "I believe the words you're looking for are thank and you," Malcolm said. "Try fuck and you. Half right there pal," I said. "I like her," Dig said. "So now what in case you haven't noticed we're still locked up," Laurel said annoyed. "Now we wait," Malcolm said. "For what," I asked and suddenly lightning struck outside. "For the thunder," Malcolm finished with a smirk.

A few minutes if not seconds later Barry was dressed as the Flash outside the door. I laughed a bit in reliefe and shock. "Woah this is a dungeon like an actual dungeon," he said. "Barry," Felicity called out in disbeliefe. "Thanks Felicity you just outed my secret identity to a super villan," Barry said. "Babe focus," I said pulling on the rest of my suit like my gloves and mask. "Stand back," Barry said. We all did so and I made a feild as a percaution. He vibrated his hands and pressed it to the glass causing the glass to shatter. "Dope," I said. I lifted the door but it gave me a headache and Barry used his speed to get us all out. "Any asassins," I asked. "Nope they are taking a bit of a nap," Barry said as the door to the dungeon shut behind us.

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