Chapter 11- Ear Worms

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I paused at the door secretly planting a mini camera as it was shutting as Rathaway said, "I know your secret too." I stopped and closed the door. "What secret," Cisco asked curiously, "you paused so you know what he's talking about." "I paused because I was confused. He got his reading from watching my actions so what secret because to him they're all secrets so what could he be talking about," I asked. "Good point besides he probably knows we're here and are trying to split us," Cisco said. I nodded, walking with them to the Cortex. Caitlin was sitting in her chair working. "You okay," Barry asked. She nodded with a tight lipped smile.

Cisco and Caitlin left to talk about something and I sat a chair as Barry kept looking at me weird. "What," I asked finally. "What Rathaway said about a speech... and what was that about always living in your sister's shadow," Barry said. I tilted my head saying, "It's nothing." "If it was nothing then you would have told me by now," he replied. I sighed in defeat saying, "Just drop it we can talk later." He sighed in defeat nodding and leaned against the tabel and I got a call from Joe, "Hey I need you to come in and run something for me." "Uh yeah you want Barry to swing by with me too," I asked. "No he just put Rathaway away let them celebrate. I'll put in a good word for you with the chief," Joe offered. "I'd help regardless. I'll be there soon," I said hanging up. Barry had an eyebrow raised curiously like I'd imagine Two-Bit Matthews from the Outsiders doing. CISCO IS OUR TWO-BIT! Omg! Which makes Caitlin Darry, I guess Bar is Pony. I suppose I'd be Johnny and Wells is Bob. HAHAHA! I kill him by accident. Oh my lord Lilly focus. "Ah- Joe he needs my help working one of my machines and called me because he didn't want to bother you as you celebrate your victory go check on Cait for me," I said and grabbed my bag kissing his cheek before I walked out and hailed a taxi to the precinct.

I opened the lab doors and stopped seeing Joe and Eddie sitting on the edge of my desk. I raised my eyebrow asking, "Am I in trouble?" "No I talked to Oliver a little past New Year's and he said I could trust you with this," Joe said. "With what," I asked cautiously. "We're investigating Dr. Wells," Eddie said. I gave Joe a look to ask does he know. When Joe slightly shook his head I proceeded to ask, "So why am I here?" "We needed someone close to Wells, but not close enough to report back to us unnoticed," Eddie explained. "Guess so sure," I said. "If that's all I have to go," I said walking out. Oliver Queen I swear if you're alive next time I see you, you will not be for much longer! I walked to STAR labs and froze seeing Caitlin get knocked unconscious and ran over tackling Hartley who was walking out. "You fucked with the wrong team," I said snatching the keys and pulling him up to his feet. "I though you of all people whould know better, Shadow Killer," he counterd te ending in arabic. I slammed him against the wall hard and growled, "How the hell do you know that," I demanded in english. "I speak six languages and Arabic just so happened to be the one I used to find out something deeper about you. If they're so accepting why haven't you told them about it," he sneered. "Shut the fuck up," I snarled and slammed him into the wall, but he swiped my legs out from under me. I jumped up to my feet and his fist just barely missed my face. I bobbed and weaved getting jabs and kicks in when I could. He had been losing until somehow he slipped on some sort of extra glove and shot sound waves at me. It threw me to the ground and I covered my ears as I screamed out in pain. "What a shame that those who can see become blinded by anger," He taunted in Arabic as he walked away the repeated blasts finally ended.

I sat on my knees holding my head as the pain subsided. "Lilly," I heard Caitlin ask. "Are you okay," I asked in english. "What was Rathaway talking about," Caitlin asked. "A past I do not wish to talk about. My turn why the hell was Rathaway out of his cell," I asked calmly. "I don't know it looks like he got out," Cait said vaugely and shamefully. "Come on," I said softly. "Lilly! Caitlin," Barry said skidding to a stop. "We're fine Rathaway got out find Cisco and Wells I'll stay with her," I ordered and he ran off.

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