Chapter 16- Who's Smashing Adams?

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Chapter 16
Who's Smashing Adams?

"Talk about what," I asked. I heard footsteps up the stairs and Barry waved a bit. I just froze and stared at him. "B-barry," I stammered. "Hey Lil," he said. "I tried to not get you involved in this anymore, but I need your help," Barry said. "How long have you been alive," I asked as we walked into my office. "The entire time," Joe answered. I clenched my hand into a fist. "You knew and didn't tell me," I demanded. "I wanted to keep you safe," Barry said taking a step forward. I clenched my hands into fists. "I thought you were dead Barry! Felicity set me on a blind date," I whisper shouted furious. "I'm sorry," he apologized. I sighed rubbing my temples. "We'll talk about this later what's so important you finally decided you had to let me in on it," I asked a bit bitterly. "Our new assistant," Barry said. I heard the elevator ding and Cisco walked in. "Singh said he can get the job, but both of us have to sign on it," Barry said. "That's it," I asked. I scoffed and signed the paper. "Can we talk about this," Barry asked. "I have work to do," I said trying to keep my voice steady. He looked a bit hurt and walked out with Joe. I leaned on my desk scoffed trying to stifle a sob. I managed to stop it and sighed calming down. I proceeded to do all of my work for the day.

"Lilly," Barry said catching up with me later. I kept walking towards my aparatment ignoring him. "Lilly," he said finally using his speed to get infront of me. "Please," he said, "hear me out." "I already know what you're going to say. That you didn't want me to be a vigilantee to make sure I live a nice long happy life, that you're just a danger to me. I spent four months thinking you were dead," I said my voice cracking. "Why do you even care so much you made it clear you hate me," Barry said. "I care because I love you Barry. I those four months where the worst four months of my entire life and you didn't let me know once, you didn't even give me a sign you were alive," I countered my eyes watering. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I can't Barry I'm sorry," I mumbled and opened the door to my apartment. "I understand well I'm here if you need to talk," he said and walked away. I watched him leave and closed the door. A fresh scar had been opened and it hurt like a bitch.

The next two months I had seen things about buildings that were damaged by the singularity being rebuilt at the dead of night. Reports of missions the Flash or I did. I rarely talked to Barry and when I did it was akward small talk or stuff about a case. If you didn't know our history you wouldn't know we were friends let alone at one point a thing.

I was walking to work as I passed signs everywhere for the Flash day. I walked into work and clocked in going through the motions. I took a piece of paper and wrote. Are you going to the Flash Day thing? I folded the paper into a paper airplane and flew it onto his desk. Barry looked up at me and I just glanced back at my computer. I heard a light thud and opened the paper reading, Nope. I looked at it confused before looking up at him. He just shrugged before looking to his computer. I finished my shift ending late as usual and walked out only to be stopped by Joe. "Barry needs you. He won't say it, but he does," Joe told me. I nodded, "He's rebuilding Jitters huh," I asked. Joe nodded. I nodded and left taking a flyer.

I walked into Jitters seeing Barry take off the work gloves. "If the whole superheroe gig doesn't work out you can always fall back on construction," I remarked. He chuckled a bit, "You always were a smart ass." I smirked a bit and leaned on the counter. "Barry you sould go to the Flash Day ceremony. They've heard about you maybe even seen a red streak pass them by, but no one's seen the Flash in person except for those of us who know you and the bad guys you took down," I stated. "I don't deserve an award I didn't save anyone that day," Barry said zoning out for a bit. "Don't make me use my adult voice on you. Listen Bar Central city needs you, they believe in you, I believe in you. If not for recognition of saving the whole friggin' world then atleast go so people can see the streak is very real," I explained. "We could all use some hope," I said handing him the flyer before walking out.

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