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Three months ago

I dont know how, I'm going to break up with Mason. He's absolutely wonderful. I'm so deep in love with him and my feelings will never change , but I can't let him risk his job and freedom for me . I entered his huge house and sat on the couch.

"Mr. Cade, we need to t- t-talk." I stuttered. My brown eyes wandered to his and I immediately saw the worry in his eyes. 'Don't cry' I repeated to myself. I looked up hopping the tear wouldn't escape.

"Why so formal? We're not in school babe."He lightly smirked. God, I was going to miss those small, but beautiful pink lips.

"Don't call me that." I sighed. I wanted to slowly tell him about every thing, but it's better to just rip off the band aid,right? I took a deep breath before saying,"We can't be together, anymore." I was trying not to break down right then and there.

"What did I do, I'm sorry, I'll stop, just..." He panicked, gradually slowing down the speed.

"Its not you.."
"Don't you dare say, 'its not you,its me." Mason cut me off. That's one thing I loved about him.he'll get sassy in a heart beat.

I rolled my eyes, before continuing .
"Its not you. Its my parents. They've been pretty close to figuring 'us' out..... I want allow anything to happen to you, because of me.

"We'll just do a better job at hiding it" He pleaded. I wanted to say you're right, but couldn't . "No, Mason, we need to have regular student teacher relationship.... just until I graduate. That's two years from now, anything could happen. You could move on."

He looked at me. "I'll never move on, I love you and will always. I just think breaking up isn't necessary." Tears began escaping his eyes,which led to my cheeks being soaked.

"Can we have this last night?" He asked and I nodded. We sat there in each others arms,dreading the morning. "Mason?." I whispered.

"Yeah?" He answered looking down at me. "If one of us end up moving on,we have to be supportive of the other, okay?"

Mason sighed, once againg
, passing his hands through his hair. "Okay." He agreed. We smiled and I went to sleep right there, in his arms, for the last time.

One month later

I was forced to wake up, by the obnoxious sound of my ringtone.
"Hello," I answered.

"Breana, I know you don't like me calling you, but I had these tickets... Umm they were your anniversary present, but you know. Any way, I have no use for them. Maybe you and Alex can use them."He said, decreasing his volume. By the time he said the last word, it was a whisper.

It's been hard trying to live life with out him. I started dating this guy Alex James, attempting to get my mind off of Mason. I kind of feel bad, because I know there's not a future. But he thinks there is .

"Breana?" Mason asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ummm yeah, tickets for what?"

"Sam Smith concert."

My mouth litearly dropped to ground.
"Oh my god are you serious?" I squealed. "You're doing all you can to make sure, I don't stop loving you, aren't you.

I heard him chuckle and say," I just can't wait for these three years to go by." I smiled and he continued. "I already mailed the tickets. They should be there, today. "

"Thank you sooooo much. God, you're amazing."

"I know.... Well bye.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Who was that?" Alex asked. Shit, I forgot he was here. "My mom.... She was telling me more about the six month business trip."

"Oh,OK." He smiled. He began walking out of the room. "Where are you going? I asked.

"The kitchen, gotta make my video for the week."

"Ahh what's it going to be about..." I dragged out.

"My favorite quote, 'Like Bitch'

"Funnn" I awkwardly stated.

"You know it is!" He exclaimed.

I wasn't going to ask him to go to the concert with me, because for some strange reason, every guy I date doesn't like Sam.

So,I called up my best friend, Jensen. He's my everything. It's kind of funny though. People say girls are attached to their first, but when it comes to us two, its the opposite.

"What's up, beautiful?" He said in a cocky tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing, but guess who we're going to see next month." I screamed.

"Chill girl, who?"

"SAM SMITH!" I yelled.

"Oooh, Another Star to get in your pants." He chuckled.

"Shut up! And since you feel that way, I'll just find someone else to go with. Oh yeah did I mention there's also VIP passes."

"Hold on babe, never said I didn't want to go." He defended.

I giggled and said, "okay." It was all good until he had to ask this.

"How are you doing?"

"Umm, okay. Our one year anivesary, would've been a week from today." I sighed.

"Awe, it'll be okay. How's Alex?"

"He's alright. I mean I'm basically using him. But it's not working...... I'm still always thinking about Mason.

"It's OK babe , two in a half years will go by in no time, but I have a question."


"Why couldn't you use me." I laughed, knowing he was smirking." I'm so serious. Being used by you would be the best thing ever!"

I giggled. "Because you're my best friend, and I don't want you to fall in love, more than you already have." Sarcasim drippIng from every word.

"You're just so irresistible. Can't wait until Sam gets a taste and then you leave him. Just so you'll know him and and I, will start a club." We both laughed really hard.

"About what,Jensen?" I asked.

"How we fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the world."

I scoffed. "Bye,Jensen!"

"Bye, Bae"

I got up, out the bed, in nothing, but Alex's T-shirt. When I walked into the the kitchen,I spotted him by the island, editing his video. My arms snaked around his waist, as I stood behind him.

"Hey,baby." He smiled.

"Hi" I whispered, before placing my lips in the crook of his neck.

"Baby..." He moaned

"What?" I asked brushing my Lips against his ear.


"Oh my god, I can't believe we're going to meet Sam Smith."

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