Chapter Twelve

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I woke up in the same place, I passed out at. The only difference was, Jensen's basically laying on me. "Jensen." I mumbled a couple of times, before he got up. "Can you go get me some ice cream, cookie dough, and wine?"

"Did you really wake me up, for that?" He asked. Jensen looked sooooo exhausted........ Well we did smoke a lot yesterday.

"Yes..." I mumbled. Honestly, I just felt like eating, drinking, and smoking. I just wanted to get rid of this Pain in my heart.

"Breana, I would, but you're not about to destroy yourself because of a guy." Jensen told me.

"He's not just a guy." I whined. Life was good, it was great......until Sam kicked me out.

"I promise, he's just another guy and doesn't deserve you...... You know what we should do, to get your mind off of him?" Jensen asked.

"Smoke, till we pass out." I answered. We might as well. Not one thought, that consisted of Sam, went through my head, while I was passed out.

"No.... You said that a producer told you to , call him when you get done with the tour."

"Yeah.." I trailed off.

"So call him." Jensen said, in a duh tone.

"I would, but Sam works at that record label too." I sighed. Why is Sam everywhere? Ugh!

"Fuck Sam!" Jensen screamed."You can't let him control your life, Especially since y'all aren't together.

After rolling my eyes, I picked up the phone and dialed the number that was given to me.

"Hello?" A man answered.

"Hi. I'm Breana.."

"Breana! Hey! When can we meet up, and talk about your record deal?" He asked.

"Umm, today if you'd like." I said.

"Sounds perfect! We could do it over lunch. Two o'clock at olive garden?" The man asked. At this point I could tell it wasn't Jimmy. It had to be someone else, but who?


"OK, see you then." The man said, before hanging up.

"What did he say......? " Jensen asked, smiling.

"He wants to meet up, for lunch today, but that wasn't the same guy."

"I don't know ,how I feel about you going, by yourself." He said, going in protective mode.

"I'll be fine, promise." It was already elleven , so I decided to watch my favorite movie, daddy's little girls, to pass the time. When it end it, I got up and went to the bathroom. First, I used it. Then, I took a shower. After that, I got dressed, did my hair, and my make up.

I was wearing, highwaisted jeans, with a blue crop top that had Royalty , written on it.

"Can you please not wear that?" Jensen asked. I was confused, why should I change?

"Why?" I asked

"Because your stomach is showing and it might give him the wrong impression."

I laughed a little. "You're so over protective. I'll be fine, Jensen."

"Okay, just be carful."

"I will." I said, Before giving Jensen a hug and a peck on the lips. "Thank you."

" For what?" Jensen asked.

"Being here for me, all this time. Even when we broke up, you stuck by my side, and for that I thank and love you."

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