Chapter Six

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"Breana and Sam, Get the hell up!" John Screamed. Lord knows I didn't want to get up. I stayed up all night thinking about Sam and when I went to sleep, I had a dream about him.

"It's seven a.m. what do you want?" Sam asks, attempting to scream. I opened the curtains to my bed and hopped out.

"For you two to get out of bed." John told Sam. Sam crawled down the later and the moment we made eye contact, I looked away.

"Breana?" He called out. I turned around on my hill.

"Hey." I said, pressing my lips together. He looked me up and down, before saying, "Please don't leave." I slightly smiled.

"I want."

"Great, I'm so happy that you two settled that. Now there's one more thing. You two need tell each other what you told me. My eyes immediately widened. I told her those things, so I could get it off my chest. Not so she could tell him.

"Ummm actually the fans wants Breana and me to record 'leave your lover and not in that way' together, so we don't have enough time for that."

I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I loved how the warm water poured down my skin. It was relaxing and that's exactly what I needed at the moment. I kind of wanted to escape the world, but that's not going to happen.

When I got out the shower, I put on a pair black jeggings and a striped, black and red shirt that says, love amor. Then I straightened my hair and began putting on my make up.

When I exited the bathroom, Sam entered. "You should just tell him." Daisy told me. "No, he should just tell her." John called out.

"Guys he doesn't like me." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You're right. He loves you."

"Oh my god y'all need to stop."

"Awe Sam has fell in love with a country girl." Daisy coos.

"Stoooop." I rolled my eyes. Lord knows, I wish they were telling the truth, but there's no need to have false hope.

"Are you ready." Sam asked. I quickly put on my socks and black Nike shoes.


We once again got into the black bens. The only difference was, Sam was driving. "What did they say to you?" Sam asked breaking the silence.

"Nothing important, promise." I said, before the awkward silence continued. When we got into the studio, Sam and I recorded the chorus to not in that way. After we were done stacking it ( Anyone who doesn't know what that means, it's like when you hear the extra voices in the song, to give it more spark.) We did the Bridge and then I stepped out, so Sam could do his verse.

I waited for about thirty minutes until it was my turn to go in , and record my verse. I had to stack it and sing it in different tones, to even out the sound.

"Wow." Jimmy said. He gave me a card and continued. "Please call me when you're done touring with Sam. We might just set up you your own deal."

"Really." I sqealed.

"Just might!" I looked around to see if Sam was around. Nope he was outside, talking on the phone, laughing and smiling.

I smiled a little heart broken. Why should I care that he's to busy talking to, most likely a bitch. Forget it. I sighed.

"Thank you, for even considering me." Sam came back in and said, "are you ready to record, leave your lover?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah." I whispered and repeated the process.

"Hey." How'd it go?" Daisy asked.
"Great!" I responded. "Jimmy gave me his card and told me to call him after the tour, and that he just deal for me." I squealed, again.

"Wait, when did he say that." Sam asked, getting excited.

"When you were outside, on the phone, laughing!" I snapped and went to my bedding area. I was kind of upset. When I heard that, I just wanted Sam to be there and celebrate with me. I don't even care anymore.

"Breana!" John called out.

"Yes," I answered.

"Can I come in?"

"I guess." I replied.

John came in and sat at the edge. "You OK?" I looked at him and nodded. "Are you sure? I looked up at john and shook my head. "Come here ."

I scooted over and john held for a while. "I'm trying to get over him, I just wanna be over it."

"Hey it's ok. Don't give up, yet. Get some rest and I'll wake you up when it's concert time. "

"OK." I said, before laying down and closing my eyes.

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