Chapter Eighteen

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One week later.

"Breana hurry up!" Sam rushed me.

"Okay I'm coming. I'm coming." I said dragging my suitcase to the livingroom.

"You're going to make us... God you're beautiful." I rolled my eyes.

"Sam you're going to make us late, if you don't stop staring. Plus I'm not wearing anything cute."

"Babe, you make sweat pants look cute." He said picking up both of our suitcases and taking them to the car.

I checked myself in mirror and thought, "maybe I should've gotten dressier. I mean a plain light blue dress with a brown belt around my waist, might not be good enough for Sam's mom.

"Baby." I whined as Sam came back in the house. "Should I change?"

"Oh my god" he whispered to himself. "No. You look beautiful as always." He said with a hint of annoyance.

"I just wanna make a good, first impression on your parents." Sam smiled and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He placed his lips in the crook of my neck.

"Just be yourself, the wonderful girl that I fell in love with. She'll love you, I promise. " he said before kissing my neck. "Okay, now let's go." He used one of his hands to grab mine and the other to get the last suitcase.

Sam opened the door for me and I got in before he closed it. We drove to the airport.


Sam gave my hand a squeeze. "They'll love you." He said, before knocking.

"Samuel!" Sam's mom exclaimed as she opened the door. She went straight for a hug, breaking Sam and my hands apart.

"Hey, mom." He said hugging her back. His mom took a step back and analyzed me. Shit! Shit! Shit! She doesn't like me.

"And you must be, the beautiful girl my son want stop talking about!" She said with the same amount of excitement. Sam blushed and his mom came in, giving me a hug.

"It's very nice to meet you and where did you get that dress? I'm kind of in love with it."

"Umm forever twenty one." I smiled.

"Samuel, don't be rude. Invite the girl in." Sam held my hand and we walked in the house.

"Wow.... You're home is beautiful Miss. Cassidy." I cooed.

"Thank you very much sweetheart. You two seem tired. Sammy baby, Take her to your old room. The two of you look exhausted and We'll catch up after you rest."

Sam walked me up the brown steps and then we entered a medium sized room. It was fairly simple. His bed was by the window and his dresser on the other side.

Sam laid down and opened his arms inviting me in.


When I woke up, Sam wasn't there. I slowly walked down stairs, cautious about every step. "Hi sweetheart. Sam left to go get some eggs. Sit down and talk with me." Miss. Cassidy told me.

Ugh Sam's going to pay for leaving me alone. I sat in the chair close to the couch.

"Tell me about yourself."

"Umm." I said pressing my lips together. "What do you wanna know?"

"Anything hunny. Age, Proffesion, future plans? " She smiled.

"Well, I'll be nineteen in two weeks,I'm a singer, but I'm also in school right now for law...... I want to eventually settle down, get a house and, start a family.

"Isn't that nice! How many kids are we talking about? I'd love to have some grandchildren." She laughed and I blushed.

"Maybe two, or three. A set of twin boys and a little girl."

"Oh that'd be amazing." She smiled. I started to let lose and get comfortable, as she started telling me stories about Sam when he was younger.

"I don't know if you've seen this video, but look at him." He was in the bath tub rapping and it was so cute. Halfway through the video Sam came in. He looked around ,and saw all the naked baby pictures of him out and blushed.

Kate and I both laughed. "I know i shouldnt have left y'all alone " Sam said , more to himself. "Mom why did you show her these." He whined.

"Because every girl deserves to see her serious boyfriend, baby butt." I laughed and Sam sent daggers my way. I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him. "Awe it was so cute." I said trying not to laugh. "I love you..." I looked up at him.

"I love you too." He leaned down and pecked me on the lips.

"Awe you two Ar so cute."

Sam and I looked at her and laughed. "What time is dinner? Sam asked.

"Eight. If you two decide to go out, just make sure you're back on time because Mable, lilly, and your dad is coming"

"Yes ma'am" I said before turning my attention to Breana . "Let me take you to my spot?"

She smiled "yeah."

I grabbed her hand and walked her to the woods behind my house. When I was little, I found a space that didn't have trees and made me a little fort. Till this day it's still up.

"You're the only girl I've ever brung to my special spot."

"How many guys?" She asked out of curiosity.

I scratched the back of my head. "Ummm two, my best friend and the guy I liked before you came into my life." She looked like she wasn't phased by the answer witch made me happy. "Come here." I said leading her over to this log. I sat down and she did the same thing, wrapping her arms around me as we snuggled.

"I'm still mad at you for leaving me alone." Breana stated, trying to hide her smile.

"Are you now?" I asked raising my left eyebrow up.

"Yep." She said popping the P. "Your punishment? No sex for two weeks..."

My eyes immediately widened."You're joking right." I asked and she shooked her head. "You want be able to last that long, babe." I said smirking.

"I won't?"


"Well then, let the game begin."

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