Chapter Seventeen

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Breana walked up to the door and God, she looked beautiful. You could kind of see her skin through the shirt she was wearing and all I could do was mentally undress her. My lips was getting a little dry, so I licked them.

"You look beautiful." I told her,as Jensen moved away. She smiled,


"Be careful." Jensen said towards Breana.

"I will." She said giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out the door with me. "God, what did I do to derseve someone like her."

Breana started giggling. "What?" I asked. "You were talking out loud." She laughed a little more.

"Of course I was." I mumbled. After riding in the car for fifteen minutes, we arrived at Breana's favorite restraunt Chili's.

"My favs." She smiled.

"I know." I said sassily.

When I got out the car, I opened the door for Breana, and recived a thank you.

My arms were snaked around her waist, as her's were around my back. I looked down at her fragile face and smiled. "You're beautiful. "

Breana looked up at me before saying, "Not as beautiful as you. We both laughed and entered the building.

"Follow me." The hostess said. I got us a two person booth, by a window.

"Someone will be here take your order in a minute."

"OK." I nodded before looking at my girlfriend. "I love you and I'm so sorry about the things I said a couple of weeks ago. I'm still learning how to let people in and just give me some time to place my heart in your hands."

Breana leaned in and pecked me on the lips. "I love you too and the only that matters, is that we're here, together, now.

"Good." I whispered, as she laid her head on my shoulder. A waitress can up to our table.

"What can I get you two to drink?" She asked. I told her to get two waters and since we already knew what we wanted we also, ordered our food.

Dinner was filled with fun. I really did miss being with the love of my life and maybe one day my wife.

Whoa did you just say wife? Sam you know she's not going to stick around that long, she's just a girl that wants you for a minute and is going to leave the next.

No she's not. I fought with myself cause I'd really like to think it's me and her to the end. Yet again love never works for me.

"Hey." Breana said, snapping me out of my daze.


"Are you okay?" She asked.

I thought to myself for a couple seconds before saying, "perfectly fine." We interwined our hands and walked out the restraint after paying for the Bill.

I drove to an abandoned area, where earlier I made a place for us to watch a movie. When I got out the car, I played Breana's favorite movie and got back in.

I looked at her as she stared at me in total awe. "That's not it." I said before pulling a bag of pop corn from the back seat.

"You truly are perfect." She smiled and I smiled back. "Not even close." I said, slowly kissing her lips. Without hesitating she kissed me back. I felt like I was in high school again. In a car park kissing, Istaead of watching the movie, but it's okay. There's no other place I'll rather be.

I felt things getting more heated, so I scooted my seat back and laid it down. Breana got on top of me and slowly Unbuttoned my shirt.

"Mmm" I moaned as her delicate hands slid down my chest to my belt buckle. I was so detracted by our kiss, I didn't even know she had her bottom wear off and me exposed.

She placed me inside of her and moved her body up and down, causing multiple moans from the both of us.

"I've missed you. God, no one can do it better." I moaned as her lips touched the most sensitive spot on my neck.

This went on for about an hour, before she collapsed on to me.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too."

She got up and sat in the passenger seat to put her clothes back on while I fixed myself.

"Where to? Do you want me drop you off at home, or do you want to come to mine. I smirked a little causing her to laugh.

"Your's. Jensen went to a bar and I don't feel like hearing a girl scream for the rest of the night." Sam chuckled.

"Why do you assume,us, guys go to the bar to hook up?" I asked, I mean that's what we do, but not all the time. Sometimes we just need to drown in our sorrow.

"well, I'm not assuming guys, I'm assuming jensen is." She answered.

I laughed a little. "Okay." Only two minutes into the ride and Breana was fast asleep. When we got into my house I took off her skirt and her shirt, so she would be comfortable through out the night.

Little did I know that she had laced panties and a bra on, causing her to be sexier than normal.

I looked at how peaceful she looked and laid down behind her, becoming a big spoon.

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