Chapter nine

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As we step off the plane, my mom calls me. Shit, I forgot about her. How am I supposed to tell her everything. Hey mom, I packed up and left. Oh , yeah I kind of fell in love with Sam Smith, not just a fan way, of falling in love with, but really fell in love with him.

I sighed and answered the phone. "Hey, mom." I said awkwardly.

"What's this about you going on tour with Sam Smith?" She asked.

"Straight to the point, I see."

"Answer me. Alexandra Breana Mendes."

"Don't you think I'm too old, for you to use my full name."

"You're eighteen! Try too young to be traveling with some stranger. I mean you're basically embarrassing yourself in front of the world. I told you to let that singing career go, because you can't ."

"Mom just...." I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Daisy asked as we all made it to the Limo. I ignored everyone. Why was I even there? My mom's right I can't sing. The ride , to the hotel was OK. Everybody was giggling and laughing, well besides me.

I didn't belong with them. I'm a nobody. "Babe, what's wrong?" Sam asked when we got in our hotel room. I looked at him and shook my head. "There's something wrong, I know it."

"I don't think I can sing with you anymore."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't ."

"Are you fucking serious? Everyone loves you." He exclaimed.

"Not everyone." I muttered.

"I love you and your voice. That's all that should matter."

I sighed, "I need to sleep."

"Anything, babe." He whispered, before kissing my cheek and laying down beside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and mumbled, "I love you."


I woke up to Sam, once again staring at me and stroking my hair. "Morning beautiful." He said.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Are you ready to do our show in China?"

"I told you, I'm not singing anymore."

"Who were you on the phone with. Yesterday?"

"What does tha-"

"Who was it?" He cut me off. "You haven't been acting normal, ever since it.

"My mom, she was just reminding me, how bad my voice is."

"Your voice is beautiful. Please don't let anyone tell you any different." I love how Sam always encouraged me. That's probably how I fell so fast. The day consisted of watching movies with everyone. When concert time came, I decided to ignore my mom and do what I love, sing.

We spent about two months in China, then we went to, two more countries, before the tour was completed.

"That was amazing, I hate it was our last concert, for this tour." Sam said as we started our flight back to California.

"Yeah." I sighed.

Daisy and John were on a different plane, heading to a different place.

I laid my head on Sam' s shoulder. "I love you and these pass five months have been amazing." I said, before drifting off to sleep.


Sam watched Breana as she slept. He couldn't help, but to think, How beautiful she was. Her long, wavy, dark brown hair caressed her cheeks. He couldn't believe that he fell in love with a girl, who was supposed to be, just a fan. Everything was great, but something was on his mind.

That moment, when she spilt her love life story to him, something kept picking at his mind. Mason? The guy who she's supposed to get back with when she graduates. What is she going to do with Sam. Toss him to the side? Does she even love me? Sam wondered. To be honest. Sam didn't want to think about it, so he leaned his head over, landing it on top of Breana's.

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