chapter 26

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everything was a blur we were pushed into a jail at the back of the police officer, it was a jail where they kept the suspects before it was determined their prison sentence or if they were guilty or not. it was tiny. it had a hard bench and a small pot urinal thing. Niall and I were put into the cell, i looked up to see Harry and Zayn already sitting there. i really did not want to be in a confinded space with them with no where to run.  i was convinced that they were going to attack us for ratting them out.

Niall and I sat opposite them we made awkward eye contact, they did not say anything to us. Harry and Zayn were definatly crying, i was too overwhelmed to cry.

then Zayn said something which suprised me and Niall so much. 

'I am so sorry for getting you into this, you don't deserve this,' Zayn said

we looked up and he had guilt in his eyes and so did Harry. they were both sorry. 

we didnt reply we just stared at the ground. 

'I am scared of jail,' i trembled

'Your brother he will make sure that You two get out,' Zayn said

'whereas for us Jail is certain,' Harry said sniffling

'Sorry about that guys,' I said

Harry shrugged and looked at the floor, it was like everything had been sucked out of him it was demoralising it was sad to see. they had both accpeted jail and they were miserable about it. they were certain to go to jail for all the stealings.

Niall put his arm around me. and i buried my head into his chest. i was comforting him while he was comforting me.

'So are you guys a couple now?' Zayn asked almost hurt but not with anger in his coice it was more genral curiousity. 

'I guess so,' i said looking at Niall who was looking back down at me

'If we don't go to jail,' Niall murmured

we sat in silence for about 2 hours, i was cuddling with Niall and we both fell asleep, Zayn and Harry were talking to each other. their conversation was sad they were saying how their parents would be so upset and everything. which they would be. 

i woke up to the sound of the prison door open i saw my brother Louis and Liam walk in. i jumped up and ran to Louis and gave him a big hug and i started to cry.

'I am so sorry Louis, i am so sorry,' I whimpered

he patted my back and hugged me back. i don't know what i was thinking when i ran away from home. 

'You are so lucky to have a brother that comes all the way to Aberdeen for you,' Niall said 

'Yes she is,' Louis said hugging me again

'i guess we all did not realise just how important family is when we left,' Harry sniffled ' I miss my family, they have no idea where i am,' 

'Same,' Zayn sighed

'And we wont see them for ages if we go to jail,' Harry said 

Zayn looked down he was crying but wanted to hide it. 

we all stood silently awkwardly. 

'Louis does mum and dad know?' i asked

'they have no idea that me and Liam are here or that you have been caught,' Louis said

'Shall we phone them?' i asked 

'i will afterwards well first of all did you guys know that your court hearing is tommorow morning?' Louis said

'WHAT!' we all chorused

'that's it we are all going to jail, that is not fair,' Niall said

'Me and Louis have found a lawyer, we have found evidence to support your case we just need a bit more from you guys for tommorow,' Liam said

'Oh thank you thank you,' i said hugging Liam and Louis ' i dont know where we would be without you,'

the lawyer walked in, he looked clever which was a good sign.

'Louis is he expensive?' i whispered

'Yeah but that is mum and dad's problem,' Louis said

the lawyer walked in and started asking me and NIall questions. 

'Will the lawyer be defending me and Harry aswell?' Zayn asked Louis

'hell no you guys got my sister and Niall into this mess,' Louis said

Zayn looked down.

'Louis please, they need someone to defend them also,' I said

'My parents will pay for all of the lawyer's fees,' Zayn said

'Then yes he can defend you guys also,' Louis said

we were asked alot of questions.

Louis phoned mum who was shocked and suprised she was making her way to Aberdeen with Dad they would be at the hearing tommorow. i was terrified to see them, i had not seen them in so long, i was really scared of what they would say to me and everythign. Niall's, Zayn's and Harry's parents were alll coming aswell. 

Niall was terrified.

the night drew in and we worked to 2 in the morning with the lawyer. we had a strong case but was it strong enough? i dont know. i thamked LIAM AND LOUIS a million times and so did everyone else. they were so nice it was unbelievable. ater all i did to Louis he still defended me. 

we fell asleep we were terrified of what teh judge's decision would be this may be our last night of freedom for a long time.

i slept entwined with NIall, i really wanted to stay with him like this forever if i went to jail i would not be able to see him for ages. cuddling with Niall was different then with Zayn, NIal was much more soft and warm and cosy. it felt safe. 

Louis and Liam were going to book a hotel room but they were so tired they just slept in the police office waiting room and so did the lawyer!

the next day came and we all dressed smart we felt so grown up but we were so nervous this could be it. what happened in this court room could change my life/ we went to the court room, it was massive we walked confidently and made our faces look like we weren't guilty. we had confidence in our lawyer. Louis, Liam came to sit with me , Niall, Harry and Zayn at the front of the court room. i saw my parents come in they looked nervous as hell and so did Niall's parents but Niall's parents had a more comforting look a more sympathetic. they were scared and for them i prayed Niall would be innocent. 

Zayn and Harry were nervous wrecks. i did  a prayer before the hearing started, the judge looked quite friendly i prayed she would be...

'silence everybody let the hearing begin, cann the lawyer for these teenagers who have been charged with being connected to the criminal Justin bieber and for numerous stealings please come up,'

this was it...i was shaking like a leaf. this was it. he had to make a good case he had to. Niall held my hand as the lawyer got up and began speaking....

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