chapter 8

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Aniya ' s pov

" Omg, omg, omg, I don't want to be here, this is all just a horrible dream" , "I will wake up any second, reyna came next to me and said aniya this is no dream", "and if it was you would be awake by now," now go to bed, here use my snake to keep warm."Hahaha no I hate snakes" I said to reyna, she looked amazed , "then have the ape skin ", " fine" I said to reyna.

Leslie's pov

Ah another day another nickel, I said, reyna told me o no I'm not going to here spongebob references in the jungle , then we all laughed , we where all happy, even in the wild.
We went down to the beach to swing a little before going to hunt and see more magic people pop out of nowhere.
They salt water is just what everyone needed to brighten up there day like fireworks on the 4th of july.

Jeremiah ' s pov

You know reyna, I actually like the new life on the island, we have pet to keep us safe, food, and juice, and soon fruit I hope.
"Hey reyna"," what "she said, "can you make us some new clothes with your sewing kit in your purse", reyna looked at me in a surprise and said, "omg I never thought of that!"

............hours later

Reyna ' s pov

" Here I got every one clothes from all the animals skins we have been eating, and I made us blankets with the wolf fur and bunies!"every one was happy and putting on there new clothes that fit them all perfectly and looked good on everyone . We had fruit that night , we found a banana tree with my monkey, and all the animals got fed and we did too.

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