chapter 18

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Reyna's pov

It was night fall, and we all had to sleep, some of us went in tree , and others slept on the sand.
Once again we woke up and it was bright outside, a acorn fell on my head, that is what woke me up,by the way.
My tiger was out playing with a rabbit it caught, and my snake was eating, another snake, and my monkey had a banana in its hand.
My powers where getting stronger so I decided to know what was wrong with aniya, it ends up she opened her eyes, and said, she is paralyzed, and my powers where not letting me heal her, she was stuck that way .

Aniya s pov

What! I'm paralyzed! This can't be, I like to ride my bike , and walk.
I told reyna, you know, I don't deserve this
why, oh lord why.i wish this never happened.
Reyna told me, well it happened, now be happy with your new life now it will be funner going down the hill! Yeah I guess said. I wish I had my cat bolt, I said, reyna said, we'll I can make that happen, she gave me my cat bolt!

stuck in the wildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora