chapter 11

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Feona's pov

Look over there, we all looked and saw the castle was so big, we woke up and just started flying to the castle, without even thinking about breakfast , that we skipped, my wings and legs where hurting so bad I could almost scream, so I did.
......... and everyone turned and looked when I screamed, like I was dying, but we still went on with our lives.

Jeremiah ' s pov

Of all the people I had to be here, it was fun at 1st, now it's just boring, and I'm so tired, reyna stayed up all night making us new clothes , that looked great on us. She looked so tired, she zapped us all brushes, and made us brush our hair.
She thinks we need to be cleaned, so she zapped us showers like a real shower at home. We where so clean , bow we must began to fly agian.

Michael's pov

Leslie my legs and wings hurt, she said well to bad, I can't do nothing about it, hey reyna can u zap us to make our legs and wing feel better, so she did, and that made it so uh better . We finally got to the castle, the doors where golf and the bridge was solid gold too. Reyna rushed in there and we saw the wizard.

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