chapter 12

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Reyna s pov

We have tried everything to go back home, I said to the wizard, even my powers couldn't , he told me well, well , well, you have found the castle I see, and look at your cuz and friend, he showed aniya dangling from a rope over lava and jenni over water with man eating octopus the sized of a house, a big house, they where screaming under there rope in there mouth, then only way to defeat the dragon is with magic, and my And also and friends.

Leslie's pov

Omg , reyna what can we do to help, reyna said here, she zapped us wepons and stuff to kill the dragon.

The wizard suddenly turned a brick into a enormous dragon the size of 12 houses and 16 lions put together , it was big, the battle had begun, and it was scary.

Feona's pov

No, noway I can defeat this with yall, it's so big, reyna gave me a flying horse to help protect me so I wouldn't be afaud, and it worked , sort of.
Every one charged at the dragon, and stabbed it and reyna did spells, it still wasn't down, it was getting bigger, with every stab in the foot, I told everyone, don't stab the foot, we will grow bigger and bigger if you do, and every one listened to me. Micheal cut a big piece of his tail off, and the dragon roared with a big razor teeth showing, everyone jumped, as the spit of the beast go on you like a shower of rain.

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