chapter 16

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Jenni ' s pov

I decided to eat the squirrel with buyer and salt, I never dreamed of eating things like that.
We also caught come type of bird, it tasted like chicken.
After lunch reyna let us fly while aniya was on the beach in the chair, breathing, but knocked out cold.
It was so cool, when I was above that squid, but yet so creepy of a thing, me and leslie are the only tomboys here, but reyna zaps us glitter, to have on our shirts and pants.

Aniya ' s pov

Hey, how come I can only here, but not move?
I can't open my eyes, cause I dont know what is in front of me.
And that bunny they have been feeding me, eww, I mean I love bunnies , WHEN THERE HOPPING AROUND!
I really like fluffy bunnies, but I have a 2 cats at home, and my mom and dad say no bunny, cause the cats will eat it.
I use to have a chihuahua, but it bit me so I had to get rid of it, it's name was bella.

Reyna's pov

There I saw my cuz sitting in that chair , like a old lady, I wonder she is thinks.......uh probably bunnies

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