chapter 19

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Leslie's pov

After I heard about aniya being paralyzed , I was amazed , I thought she was a goner.
Well that was a relief that she wasn't dead, I would of died, heating Reyna's whines that is.
It was dinner time and reyna zapped us steak, with delicious A1, aniya almost drank a whole bottle of it, without a steak!
Well after we ate, reyna zapped us a Frisbee , and we played until we saw the night creatures come out .
Then we went to bed, but I couldn't sleep , I don't even know why, good thing reyna zapped us tablets and phones, with no wifi, cause there was no wifi on the dang island , it just had to be a island
To get trapped on, not a big boat or something, well I stayed on me phone the whole night, then fell asleep at 4.

Feona's pov

Man, why did I have to be one of these people stuck on the island.
I should of have let leslie go with her in the first place I thought to myself.

.................until morning

We woke up to the little witches voice, she told us that we where in great danger!

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