chapter 22

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Reyna's pov

Omg, aniya was standing up and doing flips.
Wait she had a POWER!
She could stretch to any length, wow, I said to her look at you doing all these flips.
She was so shocked herself , this will take some time to get use to, first feona, and now aniya, who's next?

Aniya s pov

Wow, wow, wow, I said every time I did a flip. I have never done a flip in my life, so WHY ON EARTH WOULDN'T I GET THIS POWER!
Everyone looked at me astonished , I almost thought there eyes where going to pop out of there head, and then that's when I would of have threw up, literally .
Leslie's expression was priceless , her face was like roi from wassabi productions or something. I almost died of laughter just from that face.
She said to me dang, that is one heck of a power, I wish I could stretch like that, I told her you almost do , cause you grow 6 inches every year , I laughed out loud that reyna even told me to shh, leslie laughed too.
That told me she didn't mind that joke

Leslie's pov

Aww man I wish I would of have got that power, I mean I do grow alot and stuff. But it was funny, cause she fell a few times, so hahahahahahah!

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