chapter 9

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Feona's pov

Aaaaaaah , I screamed as I saw a crazy lady some from the brush and leaves reyna comes running, and say, who are you, the old lady says I'm a witch who's here to grant you a wish, I got the team together and we all said unlimited food and water, and cokes, the witch did it then disappeared . We where so happy , until a loin pop out of nowhere, and not a friendly one.

Reyna ' s pov

Buttercup goes and tried to fight it then gets hurt and steps away, so aniya goes and trying to help the tiger then a wizard comes and takes aniya and jenni , he said "the only way to get them back is to find the hidden castle and fight the demon dragon . "
Aniya is screaming help, help, get me down, and jenni is punching him, but it does nothing.
Of you kill the dragon, you will receive your stupid friends back, that's where I got made, I said "they are not stupid you fat ugly old guy."
Then a fire ball came from my hand , I was amazed, I had powers, he vanished, and that left us to find them.
Micheal started crying, cause he always does that when something bad happens. Now that I have power this should be easier , I could cast spells, l was e mortal.

Why do I have power in the group I thought, the group was astonished at me, but al, well I said , we have friends to get.

Authors note: this is where the fun begins, with spells and battles ! Enjoy

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