chapter 13

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Reyna ' s pov

I finally got the dragon in the heart and it fell unto it's death . THERE, NOW GIVE ME MY CUZ AND FRIEND!
I was angry and mad, the wizard said, oh your a smart one , why should I give them back to you.
Cause you told me I had to defeat the dragon and I did, he said, indeed, you have defeated the dragon, but can you defeat me!
BbWHAT! I said in a surprised voice, I can't your much more powerful than me, what's wrong with you.
No things wrong with me dear, I'm just evil and going to kill you!
Uh, no I think it is the other way around!

Leslie's pov

Reyna jumped and stabbed the wizard in the heart , he fell of his cloud and went into the lava , and died.
We got aniya and Jenny down and flew back to the jungle.

Aniya ' s pov

Thank you reyna and leslie and feona, and others ect.
I almost died of lava, now let's go to bed in a nice warm tree, but after we eat, the man tried to feed us rats, I didn't want any, but Jenny ate them all.
Hey Jenny says, give me a break I almost died too, then everyone started to laugh. Now how are we supposed to get off this island, reyna can't you use your powers, no reyna said, they won't zap us home , I tried. Well let's hit the hay, I'm tired. (P.s reyna took one of the horses at the castle and named it powder)

stuck in the wildKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat