chapter 23

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Reyna's pov

We decided to go to bed (in the house) and I woke up late in the ight, and Jeremiah he had ice on his hands, hey I said to him, why is there ice on your hands!
He said I don't know I woke up and stretched and ice flew from my hands .
On my gosh, you have ice powers, you can freeze anything.
Oh man that so cool, but let's wait until til the morning to tell the others ok. Now let's sleep , ok he said.

Jeremiah s pov

I can't believe that I have freaking ice powers. I thought that you could only see that in movies or in books!
This was the coolest thing I have ever had, and done.
Don't tell Reyna but I froze the plant . Hahahahah, I vastly went to sleep and I had a dream that I was at home playing my games, and petting my puppies and dog that's really fat.

Reyna's pov

We woke up the next morning , and told everyone about the powers that Jeremiah got, they all where wanting to see him do his power, and he did, he froze the egg that WAS in the fridge , it was so cool, everyone was amazed , like a turtle trying to eat a tomato twice its size.

Authors note

There's 3 more people to give powers to, jenni, leslie and micheal, who will get them next? Can u guess it today.

stuck in the wildजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें