Changer 3: The crush (pt.2 I guess)

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I sat in the room I was staying in picking at the dead skin on my thumb. Will stood in the room leaning against the wall, face as red as a tamatoe. A look of a somewhat happy conclusion on his face. I stopped playing with my thumb and stared at him. When he finally noticed I was staring at him he stopped leaning against the wall and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked him, moving farther away from him. But failing and falling into him catching myself on his sholders. He laughed thinking this was funny, this was more embarrassing my face turning red.

"About your question," He reminded me that I wanted to ask a question.

" How long was I asleep?" I asked wanting to know how much time I had left here in this prision. He looked at me then his paper.

"3 days so you can leave I guess " I stood up, he continued "but I will be checking up on you, no underworldy stuff or you'll be back in the infirmary. Why you ask, you're not fully rested, you will be going to all the meals no exceptions, okay got it?" I said yes and left heading for my cabin. Cabin 13 was the Hades cabin, which is my cabin. It is pretty much looked like a haunted house, inside was all black there was one window which was covered by thick black curtains.

We had 2 beds, not bunck beds like the other cabins for there are only 2 children of Hades. The beds were seriously coffins without the tops. The coffins had mattresses and sheets , pillows, and blankets that were all black with a bit of white. There was 2 dressers with clothes in it, one for me one for Hazel. (A.k.a The other child of Hades).

There was one small bathroom in the back, that was just like any other bathroom. I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling. My thoughts kept returning to Will Solace, his amazing blue eyes, his blonde hair, his nice voice and laugh, Wait what? I getting frustrated decided to go on a walk around camp. I changed my clothes and walked outside. I stepped outside looking at the ground, when I walked into a wall.

Well not a wall but a human. I looked up and saw, no other than the son of Posioden Percy Jackson. He looked at me smile on his face. "Hey Nico, what's up?" He asked not wanting to talk I turned around and went back into my cabin. Percy knocked on my door a couple times. But I ignored him and sat on my bed.

Once again my thoughts returning to Will, why life? I started thinking on why I was thinking of Will. The only thing I came up with was that I had a crush on him. But I couldn't have a crush on him he was him! Anyway it would never work, we are complete opposite. He's all happy and energetic and sunshine, and I'm all sadness, pain and death. He's probably straight anyway, I'm a complete mess, and about 87% of the camp is terrified of me.

He was probably part of that 87%, or was he? He seemed really nice earlier, but then again it was his job. My brain started to hurt from thinking so I stopped. A knock sounded on my door. I opened it slightly and looked to see who it was there stood Will. I slammed the door shut and sat against it.

" Nico I know your in there its time for lunch" He said " C'mon you need to eat" He finished. I didn't move, until he kept knocking on my door telling me to come outside and get supper.

"I-I'm not hungry" I spoke up still sitting against the door.

" I don't care Nico, you need to be eating." He said calmly.

" No I'm fine! Leave me alone, I know your only being nice because you have to. Or because you feel bad for me! Just leave me be!" He didn't say anything, nor did I. We just sat there in complete silence, tears started forming in my eyes, knowing what I just said was the truth and we both knew it.

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