Chapter 26- The end

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This is the last chapter because I have realised that I am at this point and have been for a while doing random stuff that has no point and would make no difference if I didn't put it in so ya.

Nico's PoV

I laid awake in my cabin using my boyfriend Will as a pillow, thinking about everything that has happened. I realised how much I have been neglecting Will lately, Darlene made my life so much more complicated. Although she is one of the main reasons I'm with Will.  I felt a little bit guilty, I wasn't sure if he was awake or not but I decided to apologise.

" I'm sorry," I said in a somewhat whispered tone. 

" And why are you sorry, Death boy?" Will said causing me to groan at the name ' Death boy'  

" I- I've been kind of ignoring you, and I feel bad." I said looking over into his eyes, even in the dark his bright blue eyes were as clear as day.

" It's okay, you had to do, what you had to do."

" But I was being a horrible boyfriend!" 

" No you're a perfect boyfriend, and I love you" He said before kissing my forehead. 

" I love you too." I said and I swear I heard him say 'Yay' before falling asleep. I closed my eyes an fell asleep in the arms of my favourite boyfriend ever.

The end cuz why the hell not.

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