Chapter 20- The not so hard escape

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Darlene's PoV

I sat at the campfire after dinner my bag on the ground as I waited, I thought about today it was the same as the day before expect I now got the freedom to eat at the pavilion. But I sat with Percy, Will, Annabeth, Nico, Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank. I don't even know how that works because I was thought to believe that you had to sit at your table. But whatever, They were there but I kept quite I had a feeling Will was mad at me and everybody else probably didn't want me there because they thought I was annoying. Nobody actually cared that I wasn't talking, so I just sat there and picked at my food. As soon as people started leaving I left and went and sat at the campfire circle waiting to see if Nico would actually show.

Not 10 minutes later he arrived at the campfire.

" So where are we going?"

" I just need you to get me somewhere with a phone and I need To know where we are so my mom can come pick me up." I replied.

" Wait, I thought you needed to grab some stuff?"

" Yep and I've changed my mind, I want to go home." He gave me a sad look.

" People would miss you."

" Okay sure."

" And I would miss you, and Percy would be devastated to lose his sister..."

" Kay well I doubt that. Everybody would be over joyed if I just left. At this point I am one of the most hated people here, I was mean to everybody and I was being a complete and total jerk." I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

" If you stay, I promise on the river Styx that I will prove that we don't hate you. Okay?"

" Fine but I still need to go and do something really quick."

" Okay then let us go." He and we walked out of camp half- blood into the mortal world. It actually felt kind of different but I just kept walking we finally hit civilisation.

" So where are we? I would say Toronto maybe but I doubt this unless this is the part I haven't been to yet." I asked kinda confused it did not look anything like Toronto.

" Actually were in New York." He replied.

" Dam it! Okay I think I have it" I dropped to the ground and dug through my bag looking for my passport. And I found it! " Oh my Gods yes!" I forgot Nico he just kinda stood there looking confused. " Okay well here is my passport with my money so we can go across the border to my house." I said like it was completely obvious.

" You live in Canada?"

" Yah. Oh wait, how are you suppose to get across?"

" I can get across myself "

" Kay well so It'll take me like 7 hours to get to Windsor from here, so when you just get into Windsor there is a Mc Donald's just around the corner from the border crossing place just wait for me there."

" Can do." I smiled we said our good buys and I hoped on a bus for Windsor.

Nico's PoV

As soon as she was on the bus I ran back to camp and told Will how I was going to go to Canada and how I got to see Canadian geese probably, ( Well I hope I did) The rest of the time waiting was me just lying in my bed. At 2;40Am I shadow traveled to Canada. As soo as I got there I saw a sign that said Welcome to Windsor, I saw the border thing with humongous lines waiting to cross. Just as she said there was a Mc Donald's right there. I walked in and got a Happy meal ( I'm not broke okay, I have money.) And sat down at a small table for two at the back. I sat waiting patiently for Darlene to come in, at 3:15 she came in and sat down in front of me and stole a fry.

" Hey!"

" Hey,"

" You stole my fry!"

" I have no idea what you're talking about." I pouted an stuck my tounge out. " You know whenever my grandma visits she tells us that if we stick our toungs out she'll cut them off." I stared at her before quickly covering my mouth as she laughed.

" You suck"

" And you swallow." I was confused so I let it go. I finished my food and we got a taxi to come and pick us up. It was basically a yellow and blue car. Darlene told him an address and he drove we sat in silence. He dropped us off at a decent sized house. It was in the middle of the street, each house around it was a different colour and design.. kind of they all had similar features but ya. Her house was beige with brown doors, and white window frames.

She pulled a key out from her pocket and unlocked the door letting me in I walked into the dark house. She shut the door and turned on the light. I stepped into what I presumed to be the living room and sat on the couch.  

" I'll be here grab what you need to." She ran up the stairs muttering a simple kay. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off.  Well until something jumped onto me and started licking my face. Opening my eyes I saw a small fluffy black and white dog. The collar on her neck said her name was Midnight. I pet Midnight until she lid down on me and licked my shirt, not really caring I closed my eyes. I fell asleep, and had a actually happy dream.  It was nice.

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