Chapter 19- I have no freaking title

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Nico's PoV

I was waken up by a child who didn't respect others sleeping. There was Darlene knelling beside the bed shaking me with her right hand.

" WHatttt?"  I whined.

" Kay well we need to go to my house. I need stuff." She said still shaking me.

" Darlene do you know how early it is?" I asked actually really tired.

" It is like lunch, I just woke up now let's go while everyone's busy." She said attempting to drag me out of bed. failing miserably. Just as she plopped down on the floor, my cabin door was flung open by a somewhat angry looking Will. Darlene was the first to speak. " Hello Will, can you please restrain from killing me now and I hope you know your my favorite." She said smiling. He walked over to me and kissed me, I was very much confused at this point.

" Okay, now where were you?" He questioned.

" We slept in.."

" and why is she in your cabin?"

" Okay well last night she ran off and I followed and we bumped into Jason and then we came back and talked, then she fell asleep so I pput her in my bed, and went to sleep in the other."

" Why didn't you just take her to her cabin?"

" It was cold, and I was perfectly happy staying inside." He rolled his fabulous blue eyes while laughing at me.

Will PoV

I was jealous.

I don't even know why.

Just him hanging out with Darlene and Jason and people just made me slightly jealous. I knew he was just being friendly, and that him and Darlene have become good friends. But she hasn't even been here for a year - let alone a month and bam! There friends while I've been trying to be friends with him for at least 1 full year. This is stupid. Why am I jealous of a 13 year old girl who is funny, nice, friendly, amazing and- Okay now I'm just complementing her. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Darlene getting up and leaving saying something as she left.

" Nico, meet me at the campfire place thingy after dinner please and thank you."  Why were they meeting and why am I so jealous of her and Nico hinging out. Maybe because she's accomplished more in less time. In less than a month she's friends with him, hangs out with him regularly, have slept in the same room. I was once again snapped out of my thoughts by Nico pocking me.

" Willlllllllllllllllllllllll" He whined " What is wrong".

" I'm jealous" I mumbled but it came out as more of gibberish.

" Repeat?"

" I'm jealous" I said a little bit louder for him to hear. And he laughed.

" And why are you jealous Will?"

" Because of you and Darlene. She's been here for less than a month and you two are already friends and I've been trying or over a year to at least get you to talk to me. And than you're gong to be meeting her and, you two aren't that different in age and what if.... what ifff....." At that point I was crying an Nico had pulled me into a hug.

" Will it's okay, okay? I know just she seems just like me in ways and we connected and I was actually being sorta distant to just about everybody before now and, I'm only meeting her because she wants to grab some stuff from her house okay? No need to be jealous I'm yours and I plan on keeping it that way. " He said in a soothing way, as he rubbed my back " And if It helps I am 99.999% sure she has a crush on Xavier so ya." He said causing me to laugh.

" I'm sorry I was just being stupid. " I said as I stopped myself from crying.

" You weren't being stupid now let us go and find Darlene because I doubt she actually went and did her activity." He said getting up and dragging me out with him.

I kept this one like this instead of adding because I like it and think its real pro. So ya I will try and update this more and peace!


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