Chapter 17: Babysitters pt.1

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This will be in a bunch of peoples POV because that's what's needed and its gonna be real cool.

Percy's POV

I woke up and forced my self to get out of bed, I quickly got dressed and ready for break feast. I ran out the door and started to walk towards the pavilion, when I bumped into a very tired looking Will.

" Hey Will, What's up?" I asked trying to be nice to him.

" Forgetting someone?" he asked right back. I was actually a bit confused for a second before I realized he was talking about Darlene.

" Pshhh I didn't forget her it's just she's sleeping and she was all peaceful and I really didn't want to wake her, so ya." Nice save. He just looked at me and I quickly turned around and went to get Darlene.

Looking at her bed you wouldn't know there was a child in it. She was in a ball he whole body under the blanket, it basically looked like a pile of blankets and pillows. I walked up to the bed and uncovered her, she didn't move. I shook her, nothing. Picking her up I brought her outside, hoping the sun in her eyes would do something. Sure enough the child opened her eyes moaning she rolled over and out of my arms and onto the ground.

"Ow."Was all she said, before picking herself up and attempting to walk back to the cabin. I grabbed her shoulder and pushed her over to the infirmary, not seeing Will anywhere.

Will POV

After running into Percy and reminding him to actually wake Darlene up I went back to the infirmary to get Allyson to grab food. Walking in everything seemed normal, I walked to one of the separate rooms where Allyson should be.

" Allyson can you go get food for me and Darlene please and thank you" I asked and she exited the room, a minute later a very annoyed, and very tired looking Darlene was pushed into the room by Percy.

" Stop it, Stop it, Stop it, I'm not hungry, I'm tired, and leave me the hell alone!" Darlene slightly yelled as being pushed. She sat on the bed and curled up in the blanket making it look like a pile of blankets instead of an actual person. After talking to Percy and him explaining how he dropped Darlene he left to go get breakfast.

Allyson finally came back with two plates of food.

" Darlene get up breakfast is here." I said as I ate a strawberry.

" I'm not hungry."

" Darlene it's breakfast."

" You're point is?"

"You need to eat" i said like this was an obvious thing.

" I'm not hungry."

" I'll let you sleep in tomorrow." Her head shot up.

" How long?"

"An hour or so."

"Fine," she said and ate her breakfast. As soon as she finished breakfast had just ended. So I sent her back to her cabin for Ancient Greece with Annabeth and started working.

Annabeths POV

" Why do I have to learn this stupid language? I already know 2, that's enough for me." She complained lying like a starfish in the middle of her cabin. She was really stubborn.

" What languages do you know?" I asked actually really curious.

"French and English." She said still on the floor.

" Let's do french then, How do you say Hi my name is?" I truthfully expected her to hesitate and get it wrong.

" Bonjour je m'appelle " She said right after, I was shocked. Getting her to translate she did actually a really good job, she sucked at verb tenses though. About 30 minutes later into the french lesson, she started asking random questions.e

" If you could be a cat would you wanna be one?"

" No,"

"Do you like alpaca's?"

" I don't know, sure I guess."

"Do you read books?"


" Can I leave this thing and go do something fun?"

"No, you still have a couple minutes then Percy is going to come get you."

" Can I go to bed?"

" No"

" Are you annoyed yet?"

" Just a bit." I said, but she didn't reply, I turned around and she was gone I started looking around the cabin for her. But came up empty, I sat down on Percy's bed just as he came in.

" Where is she?" He questioned standing in the door.

" I have no idea, she was just there" I explained pointing to where she was " the she wasn't there." All he did was laugh and walk over to her bed and point under it, I walked over and looked there she was reading her book against the wall. I coughed getting her attention, looking away from her book she looked into my eyes. Her blue eyes stared at me, waiting for me to say something. I went to speak but Percy beat me to it.

" What are you doing?" He questioned.

" Reading" She replied, the fact that she was so calm actually made this more annoying.

" Well can you please get out we need to do chores, then we get to do battle training," She clearly thought about it, before closing her book and pushing herself out from under her bed. Percy actually looked quite proud, for getting the teenager to come out from under her bed.

Percy POV

She hasn't said one word to me in a full Hour! Did she hate me or something? I don't remember doing anything bad, expect dropping her. After we finished chores we went a did some battle training. She was awesome but seemed pretty distracted, even for her.

" Darlene are you okay you seemed distracted?"

" Yeah, but what do you think pineapples would say if they could talk because I really want to know." I stopped of all things this child could be thinking of she was thinking of talking pineapples but I humored her.

" Maybe something like 'please don't eat me'" I said she slightly laughed.

" I was thinking somewhat on the lines of 'Pick me' because in the store they have no idea they get eaten.They would think that people shopping is like an adoption center, and want to be adopted. Then when they eat them their ghost will just kinda be there like 'What the hell happened here.'" I laughed.

" I wonder what Annabeth thinks? let's go ask her." I suggested, she smiled.

" Yes, let us go ask!" She playfully yelled as we ran over to the Athena cabin.

As soon as we got there Darlene knocked on the door, we heard voices and feet walking towards the door. Then it opened and Malcolm looked at us and quickly called for Annabeth to come that Percy was there. When she got to the door she looked at us before we started talking.

" What do you think pineapples would say if they could talk?" Darlene said using hand motions and smiling hugely.

" Is this the reason you came and got me?" She asked, looking between the both of us.

" Basically" I said before we all started laughing, Annabeth shooed us off and went back inside her cabin. Darlene and I sat under a tree and continued to ask random questions. Before we knew it, it was time for lunch.

A/N: I havent updated in foreverrr and I worked hard on this and srry if this sucks but ya. pt.2 will be up at some point so ya. also if you like it can you please tell me because i just kinda want to know you like it. so anyway byye and thanks for reading!

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