Chapter 10: Darlene

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A/N: don't jufdge the picture or title

Wow, Darlene was probably the most prettiest girl at camp, I took the time she actually paid attention to me asking her questions about her trying to get to know her. She got distracted very easily, which meant about every 10 minutes I got about 5 minutes and about 75% of that time was her talking. Which I was perfectly fine with it, when the bell rung for supper we walked back towards the Pavilion for supper. I sat over at the Hephaestus table, next to two of my brothers. Darlene sat at the table with the other un- claimed children.

She wasn't really talking, well she wasn't talking at all just stabbing there stabbing her food. I didn't realize I was staring at her until my brothers Daniel and Brian pointed it out.

" Hey Xavier, Earth to Xavier, Earth to Xavier!" Daniel quietly yelled as he shoke me getting my attention.

" Oh.. Yes, hello I'm not crazy I swear!" I said very confused on what had happened for them to need my attention. They both laughed.

" Sure whatever floats your boat, but who are you looking at? " Brian raised an eyebrow.

" Yah, who is it this time?" Questioned Daniel, If only I was allowed to punch them, or stab them. They always tease me for the people I liked.

" Shut up, were just friends." I admitted, we were just friends. Expect I liked her more than she liked me, but we were just friends so basically I wasn't lying.

" Darlene right? Like her name?" Daniel asked. I muffled a yes and got up to leave but Daniel pulled me back down. I went to ask him what he was doing when he pointed over to the table where Darlene sat. I looked over she had a faint blue light around her and a blue trident above her. Percy Jackson stood up.

" Darlene's a daughter of Poseidon, so ya." People clapped, As soon as she stopped glowing she stood up. Sacrificed (I don't think that's the right word but even if its not it sounds awesome) food to the Gods and started walking somewhere. I quickly got up and ran after her.

" Darlene wait up!" I yelled, I caught up to her and walked with her. I asked her what was wrong she said nothing that she was just tired and her head hurt. Not wanting her to be alone I brought her to the Hephaestus cabin. As we entered, she looked around at all the cool stuff we had in it. I pointed to my bed and she quietly sat down on the edge and kept looking around. I shoved things under my bed so that it was somewhat clean. " Ah sorry about the mess, " I said sitting down next to her.

" It's all good" She said leaning up against the wall, moving farther back on my bed.

" H-hey Darlene are you going to the campfire tonight?" I asked her, she thought about it and finally said yes. I smiled, all she did was smile back she then said goodbye and ran outside.

* * *

I sat at the campfire waiting for Darlene, the campfire started about 5 minutes ago, did she ditch me? We never really made plans, she just said she would go to campfire. But whatever she said she would come, I waited another minute and decided to just back to my cabin and sleep. Just as I got up to leave I saw Nico being pushed into the campfire circle by no other than Darlene. I sat back down and smiled as the pale Italian struggled not to be pushed. She pushed him over into the group of Apollo kids, well she pushed him at Will and ran.

She ran up and hid behind me, Nico stood up.

" Darlene! What the hell!" He yelled, Darlene went lower to the ground.

" You started it!" Darlene screamed, going lower to the ground. The thing was she didn't seam scared like most people would be, she sounded like this was her brother and they were arguing. People were still singing songs ignoring the two children, Nico started coming towards me pulling out his sword. Thank the Gods Will was fast he grabbed Nico and stopped him from brutally murdering her. Darlene stood up and attempted to sit down but I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the campfire. Will dragged Nico out as well, as Will whispered stuff to Nico he slowly calmed down.

" Darlene, don't do any thing rash, you need to apologize to Nico. Okay?" I told her seriously, She looked up.

" But he kept saying we were dating! That's not okay!" She quietly yelled, I felt a little hurt but pushed it aside.

" I don't care, apologize!" I yelled quietly, she agreed and turned to face Nico and Will.

" Nico I'm sorry for pushing you and forcing you to come to campfire." She turned to face me a huge grin on her face.

" There now we can go back to campfire" I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the circle we sat near the edge and joined in singing. After about 10 minutes, I felt something on my left shoulder, I looked to see what and there sat a passed out Darlene. Knowing campfire was almost over anyway, I picked her up bridal style to the Poseidon cabin. I opened the cabin door and put her down on an empty bed, Percy's bed was across the room.

" Goodnight Darlene," I whispered I bent down and kissed her on her forehead.

" Goodnight Xavier" she replied and kissed me on my forehead and laid back down. Being to tired to go anywhere I crawled onto the top bunk of the bed my heart beating way faster than normal and went to sleep. Having the same dream I always have; my worst fear come to life, or dream.

A/N: Nice dreams Xavier! Yay I'm writing and I know this chapter is long and I'm posting a lot but I am really enjoying writing this and have a lot of ideas and that's what happens. The picture is Percy Jackso related just ya hope your in joying the book, I'm also very sorry if this book sucks. so yep bye!

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