Chapter 22 ( The real one cuz I messed up)- She probably has a plan

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Will's PoV

He was only suppose to be gone for a little bit. Less than a day. He was suppose to be back by lunch. Its way past lunch, exactly 20 hours after lunch. Percy and Jason went to go and look for them. What happened to him anyway? I was to sad and mad to even do anything, I just sat in the Hades cabin hugging his pillow. I should have gone with him, or somebody at least. Why did she even need to go? It was all her fault Nico was gone, if Darlene hadn't asked to go, he never would have been kidnapped or whatever. I just sat there hoping that Percy and Jason find them. Allyson walked in and handed me a sandwich, and sat down on the foot of the bed.

" There gonna be okay, you know that?" She said in a soft voice

" Maybe."

" You also know that just sitting here sulking is not helping?"

" I know"

" The how about you come outside, you could go sit by the beach, you need fresh air."

" No thanks."

" And why not?"

" Because I miss Nico, he was suppose to be back by yesterday."

" And I miss Darlene we were friends but I'm not just sitting in her cabin, and neither is Xavier. I got him to participate in his activities." But I didn't care, I didn't care what Xavier was doing. I didn't care if he just came up with the cure for cancer . I . Didn't. Care. Not one bit.

" Why did he go?"

" What?"

" Why did he go to Canada or whatever with her?"

" It's not my place to tell you." Really? Really? I personally thought I had the right to know. But I didn't push her " I really wish I could but I feel like it was suppose to be between her and Nico. I just overheard when I went to ask what she was doing." 

" Okay."

 And with that she left me alone. Maybe Darlene wanted to go alone but he insisted on going? Yah that's what happened, lets go with that. And with that I lid down and closed my eyes, and had a dreamless night.

Percy's PoV

" Are you sure?" Jason asked for about the millionth time in the last hour.

" Yes I'm absolutely positive" I said reassuring him as we sat on a bus to Niagara falls. There was this room underneath the actual falls that looked exactly like he had described it ( Well expect the people, chairs, and troll things.) I found it when I was little, when me and my mom had gone there if you were quite enough in there you could hear the falls through the earth. It was really cool, but my mom had made me leave saying the room was probably something I wasn't suppose to be messing with. And thinking about that I fell asleep.

Nico's PoV

When the troll came in he made sure we were all children of the big 3. He was about to leave when Darlene started talking, and this did not end well. 

" Hey fatty what's up?" Was the first thing she said, it turned around it was clearly angry. 

" Are you talking to me?" It asked looking even angrier just at the thought of it. 

" Well no duh. Are you seriously that stupid? Well then again how much can I expect from and brainless oaf?" She laughed at him causing him to pull out his sword a put it against her neck.

" What are you doing" I whispered ( I'm sitting next to her.)

" Giving you time the doors unlocked now get untied and leave and lock the door on the way out." was all she said before going back and insulting the troll, I had this feeling in my gut to trust her. All I hoped was that she had an actual plan. I started messing with the ropes managing to get them off. I then helped Hazel, and Thalia already seemed to know what she was doing she got untied and helped the other three kids, while the troll was still distracted we all ran out and locked the door. As I turned around I saw Percy and Jason running up to us.

" Are you guys okay?" Percy asked " And where's Darlene?" He said looking kind of scared that he might lose her.

" Were fine and she's still in there." All the color drained from his face. " It's okay, she probably has a plan." I said hoping I was helping.

" Her plans suck! Her first one was horribly planned, she's probably dead!" Percy started going on and on about stuff, while Jason tried to calm him down. One of the younger demigods who were in the corner came up to me she looked really sad. She couldn't be anywhere over 6.

" She's not going to die is she?"  She asked.

" No, no, Darlene's fine, Percy's just scared. She's his first sibling and he's only known her for a couple days. And he doesn't want to lose her because it is really hard to lose a sister." I explained to the girl.

" Okay."

" What's your name?" I asked.

" Valarie."

" That's a really pretty name."   

" Thanks." She smiled and went back to Marcus and the other girl. Then water started coming out from under the door. And I knew what her plan was, and it seemed kind of risky. But I had to congratulate her on her clever thinking. Percy ran for the door, but I stopped him.

"Percy what are you doing?" I yelled trying to make my voice louder than the loud noise of the water. 

" Unlocking the door she's going to die in there!" He sounded slightly angry

" She's fine she can probably breath like you can."

" But what if she can't, Gods Nico if she dies I don't know what I'd do"  He sounded more sad and scared than anger like he had before, and then I realized he was crying. Two minutes passed water was still coming out from the door and I started to worry that she actually had died. Percy was pacing while I just sat on the floor, waiting. Just as I was about to give up a knock sounded at the door, and she yelled out.

" Somebody open the door it's locked!"  Percy was the first and fastest to react. He ran and opened the door and ripped it open. I caught a glimpse of Darlene, her hair fell out of her ponytail so it was down. Bu she was drenched so the once curly hair was straight. Her clothes where drenched and she was dripping wet. She was smiling. " That was the coolest most amazing thing I have ever one in my lif-" She was cut off by Percy hugging her tightly , " Ow.... Can't.....breath.... Percy... Let.... Go... Of..Me" she said. He let go and she went up to Marcus, Valerie, and Ali I believe her name was, and hugged them. Then ran up to me and hugged me getting me wet. I laughed and hugged back. 

Before we left Percy gave Darlene, some his clothes. A blue shirt,sweat pants, and socks, and her being short it was all humongous on her which I couldn't help but laugh at. Earning A punch to my arm by a laughing Darlene, who was telling me to shut up. We got on a bus back to New York. Percy sat with Darlene. I was with Marcus, Allie and Valerie were together, and Jason sat alone. And we all headed back to Camp.

Yay everyone's okay wooo! And I got 1k reads and ayayya. So ya I updated so R A I N B O W S!


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