Chapter 8: Ranting

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I wonder what Nico said to her? When she returned from wherever she was she was quite happy, she has been laughing and has willingly let me re bandage her arm because I had done a horrible job before. She was great company, most of the time. Darlene listened but got distracted by the slightest things, and she talked so goddam much! I ask her a simple question and she goes on for 2-4 minutes ranting and she talks fast way to fast to understand. As I explained the stuff about demigods, and the camp she somewhat paid attention.

She mostly just drew on her left arm with a pen she found. She wasn't the most artistic, but her arm looked really cool. She finally put the pen down when her arm was full of drawings. I asked her questions about the voice, and her arm, I looked up at the clock 11:50 10 minutes till lunch. I told Darlene that we needed to go find Nico for lunch she was more than happy to go out into the outside.

We walked out of the infirmary, and I noticed him. Nico was very much adorable, he was standing there looking down his hand out. I was confused untill why untill I saw another hand grab hold of his. Percy Jackson was on the ground, knowing him he probaly trippped over his own feet or ran into a tree. Walking over I heard Darlene singing, she was actually quite good. It sounded like Disney songs but the words were diffrent really diffrent.

Seeing Nico and Percy hanging out, stired a bit of jeaslouy. Why were they hanging out? I just kept walking then I noticed him staring at Darlene with this look in his eyes... Oh my Gods Nico liked Darlene! They were only 1 or 2 years apart in age, and Nico seemed to be really nice and relaxed around her. Well from what she told me, Percy noticed Nico staring, he said something and sprinted off towards the cabins. As we got closer Darlene slowly stopped singing, Nico just kind of stood there.

" Nico, Nico, ask Darlene a simple question I dare you." I said a huge grin on my face.

Clearly confused he asked a question. " What's your favorite colour?"

"Well I really like the colour green and blue but green would have to be my all time favorite colour. But only certian types of green I really like mint green, light green, pastel green, and neon green. I belive there are someother green's I like I just can't remeber there name.Although Green is my favorite colour I realky hate the like vomite green. But yah Green is probaly my favorite colour. " She finished.

" I asked you what your favorite colour was? She talks so fast!" He complained pointing at her, she just smiled.

" It's quite easy to do," She bragged. Why was so bragging or gloating? She was doing this on purpose! I went to ask her about it but Nico beat me to it.

" What do you mean it's quite easy to do?"He questioned with a puzzled look on his face.

" Wll called me the devil spawn! So I have relized I have a very special talent at ranting and taking simple anwser and making it complicated. Most people get quite annoyed from me talking so much so that worked well, but seriously I was going to stop after like today. Kind of, I have a bad habbit of ranting, just not as much like I'll talk for whiel without reli-" I cut her off.

" Your doing it again." I said, she laughed . The bell for lunch finally rung and we all walked over to the pavillion for lunch. I sat with Andrea and Daniel again, Nico sat at the Hades table but he wasn't alone. He had invited Darlene to sit with him, they were talking. I noticed Jason and Percy looking at them and whispering stuff to eachother. I engnored them two it was probaly something stupid anyway. I couldn't hear them, so I quielty ate lunch and was gonna wait t'ill later to figure it out.

A/N: Heyyy people are reading my book AYAYAYAYAY And I finally got this chapter done! Wattpad kept deleatibg it every time I started typing but I did IT! YAYAYAYAYAYYAAY I'm really sorry this is going really slow but I need stuff to happen and after that it should go a little faster so ya. YAY! Well until the next chapter have a nice day and dont die! Also the picture is Darlene's arm after she draws on it. I also am aware that the title of the chapter sucks. Baiii

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