Chapter 14: Why?

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As the door got opened only 4 people were allowed to go in before the door was shut; Xavier, Nico, Percy, and I. Darlene did not look okay at all, her face was red from crying she was in her bed lying down sleeping. The mumbled yes Percy said he got from her must have been her sleep talking. She looked somewhat at peace sleeping, her pillow was drenched from tears. I walked up to her and checked to see if she was okay.

She was lying down on her stomach, her face tilted towards us. One hand on both sides of the pillow, Xavier stopped as soon as he saw her. Percy and Nico looked worried and stood back as I walked up to her to check if she was okay. She looked fine until I got a closer look at her, her shoulder was bleeding horribly, she was in a pool of blood. The bandage removed from her arm her sword next to her with blood on it.

Then I realized something she didn't fall asleep she passed out from blood loss. She was going to die of blood loss soon if she wasn't taken care of. I picked her up the other 3 saw the blood and sword, Xavier tried staying strong and not to cry anymore then he had already. But as I imagine it was not easy, tears started pouring down his checks.

I ran out the door and pushed ny way through the crowd of people.

"Move! She's hurt get the hell out if my way!" I yelled loudly no one disobed they calmly split l, I ran right to the infirmary as fast as I could. I put her in an empty room on a bed and started working. I first bandaged her arm, she had cut exactly where the cuts from the monster were. I needed to get blood into her she had lost way to much, I ran to the files to find her blood type.

I rumaged through the files looking for hers throwing the others somewhere else. I found it and fumbled to find the page with it. She was Type O, Damit Darlene! Why couldn't you be type AB maybe!? I went through more files for someone with type O blood, the first and I believe to be only other person was Xavier. He willingly gave blood for her.

After that I was still rushing around getting medical supplies making sure she was doing okay.I cleaned up the mess I made it getting way to late for life people went to bed, well except Xavier and I. He sat there on the floor next to the bed not sleeping, just sitting there.

* * *

2 days, he sat there next to her bed, not sleeping, not participating, not talking, and barely eating. Nico was eating more then he was, people came in and tried to get him to leave but he wouldn't budge. I had Allyson bring him food, she was sad as well having her last words to her insults. I was busy making sure neither of them died, I got Xavier to go back to his cabin once to change and stuff. But as soon as we got there he saw the Poseiden cabin and nearly died.

Nico was doing stuff he was just a little sad about Darlene and Xavier, I tried my best to make everyone happy who was not doing but it was not easy. On the second day during I once again stayed back with Xavier in her room, Nico joined me and we sat him humming Demons by Imagine Dragons. I was exhausted and decided I was gonna take a nap, I put my head on the shoulder of my incredibly cute boyfriend and letting my eyes close.

I woke up with Nico shaking me.

"Will wake up...Will she's awake....Will I will go and I don't know but think of something that would hurt you!" He yelled trying to get me up. I sat up and looked at him.

"How dare you threaten to break up with me!" I said and light slapped his check. He laughed but then pointed in Darlene's direction, still a huge grin on his face. Darlene was sitting up s tired look on her face, Xavier was already up on the bed with her hugging her. They would make a cute couple, but that was beside the point.

I handed Darlene a glass of water, she drank it while she listens to Xavier rant about the whole situation.

"Darlene you could of died and why do you have that blood type? I am thought to be the only other type O blood type person here! Also the whole thing in the cabin why!?..........." He went on for at least another 3 minutes.

"Dude, it's all good I'm perfectly fine. " she said all laid back.

"No Darlene your not okay your the farest thing from okay or fine! Darlene your never allowed to do anything like that ever again!" I didn't want to inturupt them.

"Calm yourself, I was.. I was.... I was doing some thing to help... If that makes any sense." She said coming up with a story as she went, I could tell he wasn't buying it.

"How was that helping you nearly died!" He yelled getting frustrated with the fact of how lightly she was handling the situation.Then I was suprised beyond measures.

"It helped before...." She said looking down at her wrist, what had happened to the happy child who would rant for forever, laugh at about everything, who could make a whole room laugh and smile just by what she said or did, and who could make Nico laugh which was a real achievement he never usually smiles let alone laughs.

I did some test on her, like to make sure she was okay. As the bell for lunch rang I got Nico to take Xavier to get food and to make sure he ate. As soon as I knew we were the only ones in the room I asked her one question.


A/N ahhhhhh this is sad I know but this was all I could think of to do for the story to go the way I planned sooooooo yaaaaaaaaaa, its okey tho everything gets happy and funny and all that fun stuff from now on with some sadness but not like this soooooooooo ya.

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