19: Stupid Overprotective Idiot!

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  • Dedicated to The Secret Collaboration Person...Ssh!! ;)

Chapter 19

“AAHHHH!!” screamed Haden.

“Oh get a frickin life!” I shouted throwing the covers off of me. “GET OUT OF MY FRICKIN ROOM AND GET USED TO IT”

I slammed the door in his face and threw myself on the bed.

“Get used to it, huh?” I heard the smirk in Mason’s face.

“I’m tired ok?!? Just shut up!!”

He chuckled but was quiet.

“Have we got school today?” I asked rubbing my eyes.

“Yup” answered Mason.

“Not to be rude or anythin but then why the hell are you here?” I asked still half asleep.

He chuckled and shrugged.

I groaned. “Go home and get changed”

I got up from the bed and tripped over a bag. I fell to the ground and glared at Mason who was laughing his socks off…who the hell wears socks when they sleep?!?

I growled causing him to laugh even more. “Who’s bag is this?!?”

I threw the bag in his face and stomped to the bathroom.

“Mine!” he shouted before I slammed the bathroom door.

Stupid guy!


I came out wearing a light yellow tank top with a brown butterfly belt around it, I was wearing ripped denim skinny jeans and light yellow converse. I left my hair curly and I scanned my room.

Hmm…no sign of Mason. I have a feeling I’m gonna see him in school though…no chiz!

I groaned and grabbed my backpack. I threw it over my shoulder and was about to walk downstairs when I heard something…actually worth stopping for.

“...Don't S..., Don't S..., Don't S... Don't Stop The Party!  Don't S..., Don't S..., Don't S..., Don't S..., Don't S..., Don't S..., Stop, Stop, Stop, ...top, ...top, ... top, ...top. Don't Stop The Party! Eh! My People. This is Mega. Don't Stop Baby. Don't Stop The Party! Don't S..., don’t S..., don’t S..., don’t S..., don’t S..., don’t S..., Stop, Stop, Stop ...top ...top ... top The Party!” sang Haden.

My mouth was hanging out. I peeked through the key hole and he was doing the robot.

My hand clapped over my mouth. And I thought immediately appeared in my head… ‘Ooohh…another episode!’ I grabbed my iPod from my pocket and put the camera through the key hole.  

“Whatcha filmin?”

I didn’t need to turn around. I knew it was Mason.

“Haden’s singin and dancing…what the hell are you still doin here?” I whispered.

“I’m takin you school” he answered.

I rolled my eyes. “I could go myself”

“I’m takin you”

I groaned and stopped the thing. I grinned and ran downstairs.

I jumped off the final stair and everyone’s eyes were on me. “I got episode 2!!”

They charged at me and huddled around me. I played Haden singing and we were on the floor, well except for Mason who was just chuckling.

“Heyaa guys!! What’s happenin?” said Haden taking a bite into an apple.

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