38: The Battle!!

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  • Dedicated to My Awesome Fanz, Readrz, Voterz

Chapter 39


I’ve been locked in my room for the past 3 hours.

How could Mason think that?!?

“Roxy…please open this door…” said Zane…

My brothers have been outside for the past 2 hours. Thought I needed alone time but I think they got a bit worried when I didn’t come down to eat, but they don’t need to worry cos I got a stash of fat cakes and chocolate milkshakes….

I’ve blocked everyone out from my thoughts…

I’ve even closed the window but I got the fan on because it’s frickin hot!!

If I was Storm, I would’ve made some snow in here…

How could Mason think that?!? At the restaurant…it was a mistake. I didn’t mean to do that, it was my heat…

Thankfully, I finished and I’m so glad I did.

“Roxy…If you don’t open the door I’ll get Mason” said Vince.

Get Mason! I’ll freakin show him! He opens the door then he’ll never see the sun again.

“Roxy…” sighed Haden.

I groaned in my pillow.

When did life get so freakin dramatic?!?

Ever since I got a freakin mate!

That’s what’s causing me all these problems, mate.

Even the word makes me wanna throw up.

I screamed in my pillow.

I dunno what to do…

I was snapped from my thoughts by a wolf being thrown at my window, thankfully my window didn’t smash!

“Zane! Hade! Eric! Vin!” I yelled. “What the hell is goin on outside?!?”

“Stay inside Roxy!!” yelled Eric.

I heard their footsteps stomping down the stairs.

“Like I’m really gonna listen…” I said to myself grinning.

Mason’s P.O.V

After Kane had left, he came right back.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“They’re here” he said.

I ran after him and changed into my wolf, him following. I followed him to a clearing where Trey’s pack was growling at us.

{Call our pack} I ordered Kane.

{Already done} He replied.

My pack soon came and stood behind me, waiting for a command.

I growled lowly at Trey.

He growled back and barked.

{Attack!!} I commanded my pack.

They flew ahead of me at the wolves, tearing them to shreds. Me and Trey battled ourselves. I bit his neck and he growled.

Soon Roxy’s brothers arrived and pried Trey off of me. I growled at them, telling them to leave us to it.

I hope Roxy doesn’t come.

Roxy’s P.O.V

{Hey Jus!} I called Justin through the mind link.

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