8 - Paternal Enlightenment

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Hey! So I guess I should get my ass in gear and start writing, cuz up till now, I've been ahead on the writing :P Ah well. You guys are in for a treat this time, the chapter is at least double length!!! I couldn't find a good cut off point, so I'm just putting it all up :) Drama, Drama, Drama b-t-dubbs!!! Though this chapter was not easy to write... *Shakes head* Anyway, enjoy!!

Shout out to rebeccarebecca!!! I know it's a little late, but she was my first vote, so go and check out her writing!!! It's literally to die for! :P 

That will be all :)

Pic of Sam's Dad to the side :)


8 - Paternal Enlightenment


When I stepped into the house, I found my mom in the sitting room, reading the newspaper. She heard me come in and put the paper down, taking off her reading glasses.

"Hey honey, how was your weekend with Sam?" she asked, a knowing smile on her face.

"Great!" I said, sitting down on a chair next to her. "We had fun."

"Good," she smiled at me, then we both looked round when we heard footsteps.

"So where have you been all weekend?" my dad had entered the room and I could tell he wasn't quite sober again.

"Um, with a friend, dad," I managed, but decided it was time, that I was done hiding from him. "Actually dad, I spent the weekend with my BOYfriend." Both of my parents gasped. My mom then smiled at me, but my dad just looked blankly at me.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said, I spent the weekend with my boyfriend dad. Yes, you heard me right, I'm gay."

"You're what?" he was beginning to scare me at this point.

"Gay dad, gay. I like boys."

I didn't know what to expect as my dad's reaction, what I didn't expect was what happened. He took a step toward me, stood there as though contemplating his next move and then smacked me across the face. My dad hit me.

It took my mom a second to process what had just happened, and when she did, she started yelling at my dad but nothing was stopping him.

"You little piece of shit. How dare you. You're a freak, a faggot freak, and I like neither fags nor freaks." He hit me again and I tasted blood.

He kept yelling, now punctuating every word with a blow. "You. Little. Piece. Of. Trash. How. Dare. You. Come. Near. Me. Or. My. Wife."

By now, I was on the floor, curled up as he kicked every part of me he could reach, while screaming things like "You little shit" and "Freaking faggot". The whole time, my mom was trying to make him stop, she was yelling at him and grabbing his arms, trying to pull him off of me. I was lying on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably while trying to protect my head from his continued blows.

Finally, the blows stop raining down on me. He then broke my nose for good measure, and walked out of the room.

For an hour, my mom sat beside me on the floor, trying to help me in any way she could. Then my dad came back in the room.

"You have a choice," he said to my mom, "Me or him." He looked expectantly at her, and she didn't budge, or say anything, just stayed by my side, a protective hand on my shoulder.

"I thought as much," he said, and moved forward all of a sudden, and I saw a flash on silver.

Time seemed to slow down as I watched my mother fall to the floor, a red stain rapidly spreading on her front. There was a jagged slash in her shirt from her left shoulder all the way over to her right side, revealing a deep cut underneath.

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