Chapter 3

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"Fuck! Who the hell makes a dorm room so difficult to find?!" I yell whispered. I was trying to find the room I was assigned to, but I couldn't find it. The good thing though was I haven't seen a guy yet, other than Clay but that doesn't count.

"You look lost. Need some help?" 

I jumped not knowing someone was behind me. I turned around to see who this guy was.

"That depends. You planning on hitting on me?" I asked harshly. The guy just continued to smile.

"I wasn't planning on hitting on you. Just showing you to your dorm." He laughed a little as he took a few steps towards me. 

"I don't trust you." I growled. Growling was my go to weapon of choice.

"I'm not going to bite, I swear. Now what room are you in?" His voice was calm and had no trace of fear. Smart kid.

"389." I replied coldly. I knew this was the only way I was going to get to my room anytime soon.

"Your on the wrong floor. We need to go up one to get to 389." He explained, grabbing one of my suitcases and pulling it along behind him.

As we got to the elevator I realized I had a million questions for this guy. 

"I have questions for you." I bluntly blurted out.

"Okay shoot."

"1. What's your name. 2. Why are you here. 3. What are the rules here, and I don't mean Reids rules." Those were the three main questions I wanted answered.

"I'm Kyle, and I'm here for stabbing a guy who was fighting with my ex-girlfriend." I saw and sadness cross his eyes, but his face was indifferent.

"As for the rules," Kyle started smiled again, "they are very simple. You don't start a fight unless you think you can win, as much as Reid says not to fight, he really doesn't care."

"Good to know. Continue."

"Um, parties are aloud... and that's all you really need to know. The rest you will probably figure out soon enough." He finished as we walked out of the elevator. He took a left which lead to a dead end.

"Your lucky you get room 389." Kyle randomly said.

"And why would that be?" I asked sarcastic.

"Because this is the biggest room in the school." He explained.

"Shouldn't they all be the same?" I asked as we neared the end of the hallway.

384, 385, 386.

"Should, but aren't. Guy who built the school fucked up." He shrugged. I nodded my head.

387, 388, 389!

I took a bobby pin out of my hair and bent it to the right shape.

"What are you doing?" Kyle asked, giving me a weird look.

"Seeing how easy it is to pick these locks." I shrugged.


"Never know when it could come in handy." I replied as I put the bobby pin into the lock.


"That is a very sad lock." I sighed opening the door and pulling two of my bags in. Kyle still had the other.

"Damn! This place is the shit!" I exclaimed as I let go of my two suitcases and walked around the room.

"Told you its a big room." Kyle smirked.

"Shut it." I snapped.

When you first walk into the room you see a big living room with a small kitchenette thing in the corner. Both have lots of room to move around in. There was a fairly big flat screen TV on the wall. In front of the TV was a large couch, 2 bean bag chairs, and a love seat. There was also a small table by the kitchen area.

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