Epilouge (final Chapter)

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“We are here today to remember a very strong, beautiful woman; Breanne Clair Shayler.” The priest announced in his sad, solemn, voice. “She was an amazing young lady with a lot of potential. True her life wasn’t on the right track the whole time, but it was straightening out. We all know what that’s like, we’ve all been there before. Unfortunately for this young lady, her life was cut short. At the ripe age of 16 she was killed by a vengeful young man.”

The priest continued to talk about Breanne. He told about how she had her mother taken away from her at a young age, how she had to deal with her mother’s boyfriend being murdered in their very home. He even talked about how she had to deal with her brother running away, and then getting reunited when she went back to school.

But the thing that made everyone absolutely teary eyed was how the Priest explained how she stayed strong throughout her life. Always taking every step with confidence, never doubting herself in whatever she did. Nobody left that church with dry eyes.

Especially 5 teenage boys.

The five of them, Hayden, Rage, Parker, Kyle, and Jacob, bawled the entire time, and with good reason. They were all very close with Bree, and she was taken from them. Out of the group Jacob took it the worse. After not being with his sister for years, and then reuniting with her for a short time was hard on him. He was lucky to have Hayden by his side to keep him from doing anything that he would regret. But the truth was, they all were taking It hard, and truly needed one another for support.

As the years past, the boys stayed together. They were inseparable. Every year on the anniversary of their beloved  Brees death, they would all go to her grave and each leave a black rose, and say a few words. It always killed them to have to see their best friend and sisters name under the words Rest In Peace, but eventually they came to terms with that fact.

Kyle eventually found a beautiful girl names Brittany to be his wife. She truly was an amazing woman. She went to school to be a teacher, and worked at the local elementary. Everyone loved her, and not just for her amazing looks. She has baby blue eyes, blonde hair, and was always a fair skinned person; she just never seemed to be able to tan. Kyle ended up going to art school. He was a very respected artist. People would pay any price to get a painting by Mr. Dixon. Kyle and Brittany had a kid a year after become a married couple. There little boy they named Andy Nixon, after Kyle’s and Brittany’s fathers. Andy was a cute little boy with his Bright blue eyes and black hair. He was always the light of everyone’s day. Kyle and Brittany’s life wouldn’t be complete without the little guy.

As young, innocent, Parker grew up, he change, a lot. By the end of his changing, he had jet black hair that reached just above his shoulder, had black colour contacts, snake bites, a medusa piercing, he had size 6 stretched ears, and too many tattoos to count. He was happy who he changed into. He still had his happy-go-lucky attitude, but there was a lot more anger in him then before. He did however find a wife named Shyla. She was a very stunning girl. Her platinum blonde hair reaches her back and is always straight, her green eyes look like they can see right through you, and her fair toned skin gives her the glowing effect. Everyone assumes her job is a model, but they’re wrong. She actually works as a band manager for the band Social Wreckage. Parker works as their sound tec. Because Shyla and Parker are always travelling they decided they don’t want to have kids yet. They are waiting until they settled down and get different jobs.

Out of all of the guys, Rage changed the least. He kept his attitude he had in school, and even kept his green hair. His love for music was still there, so he made a band; their name is Social Wreckage. Rage is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist. The rest of the band consists of Keith, a black haired, hazel eyed, lead guitarist; Dan, a red haired, brown eyed drummer; and Lauren, a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed bassist. Their band is a post-hard core band, slightly modeled after their Idols; Escape the Fate. The band met at a performing arts school after high school and instantly connected, especially Rage and Lauren. They are current engaged and in love. The two of them are inseparable.

Jacob and Hayden ended up getting married. They worked as Co-CEO’s of a clothing franchise. Each of them making a fairly high wage, so it is safe to say the two of them lived the good life. A few years after being married, the two men adopted a little girl. To say the least, she was adorable. Her big brown puppy eyes could melt both of her daddy’s hearts with one glace. Her dark brown hair was always put into little pig tales on each side of her head. Everyone loves little Maddison Breanne Nixon-Shayler.

Everyone lived their separate lives, but yet they were still together. Their houses were all on the same street, and Kyle little boy and Jacob and Haydens little girl were the best of friends. Even though they all had to go through the terrible event of their beloved best friend dieing, they all made the best out of their lives.

As for Clayton and Shane, they lived their lives out in Juvie until they were old enough to get sent to real prison. Both of them died of old age in jail. Clayton always regretted what he had done. He truly did like Bree and never wanted to hurt her. Shane on the other hand was always proud that he was the one to kill the woman who killed his father. He died with no regrets.

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