The Boy's Are Back

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The girls don't know but when Skylynn called me to set me up with Grayson I was in the car driving their brothers home, thankfully they were sleeping and didn't hear anything.

When Nash and Hayes were told they had to come home to finish High School I decided I wanted to come with them.

I was excited to see the girls again, I really missed them, and I think I have a little crush on Grayson.


The guys pulled in and Skylynn and I waited by the window for them to get out of the car but when the car stopped my brothers didn't come out.... Shawn did.

Skylynn and I silently stared at each other with confused looks on our faces.

Shawn came in and put down 11 boxes full of the three boys belongings.

When he was done getting everything out of the car he told Skylynn and I what was going on.

We were fine with him staying here to finish High School.

Skylynn and I decided to go out to the car so we could wake up our brothers, we really missed them.

I don't know why but I felt kind of mad that they left me for 3 months and I could tell Sky was upset about it too.

I opened the door to the car, Skylynn jumped in the passenger seat right on top on Nash, and screamed "you're home!!!".

Her high pitch voice woke both of the boys up.

Nash hugged her and got out of the car.

Then Hayes got out of the car and ran to me, I jumped in his arms (I'm 5'3 and he's 6'0, I'm short).

I quietly whispered "Please don't leave me again" after few seconds he whispered back "I won't, I promise".

He let go of me and we both walked inside.

I found Nash and saw tears slowly start fall from his eyes as he said "I never should have left you, you grew up without me".

I felt so bad, I hugged him tight and said "I'm still and always will be your baby sister" he laughed and I pulled away from the hug as he kissed my forehead and said "I love you".

Those three words killed me I never cry but at that moment in time one single tear fall from my face.

I quickly answered back "I love you too".

When we were little those three words were such a big deal.

We only said love you to family and love ya to good friends.

But the first time a said I love you I was 14.


Nash and Hayes got in a fight Nash told Hayes he 'worthless' and that he should 'just die already'.

They always fight but Nash always feels bad in the end, comes to me, and I get him to apologise, but he didn't this time.

I went to Hayes' room to ask him if he wanted to watch a movie with me.

When I walked in he had a pill bottle in his hand, and he told me that he had already taken 5.

I gave him ipecac, (a liquid medicine that makes you throw up) and once he got all of the pills out of his system I walked him to his bed.

I kissed his forehead and said "please don't do that again Hayes I love you".

He silently smiled at me said "I won't do it again, thank you for being an awesome twin, and my best friend I love you too Grayson" he kissed my cheek started to speak again "can you sleep in here with me?" I nodded and fell asleep right next to him.



I knew that, that was the second time she said those three meaningful words.

I have always felt bad I put her through that when we were younger I was born 20 minutes before her.

That always made me think that I had to protect her like any big brother would.

I wish that Will or Nash or our parents walked in on me, and sometimes I even wish I was dead.


I have never seen Nash cry maybe thats why Shawn took me out of the room.

Was he okay? Why did Hayes look so guilty when Grayson told Nash she loved him?

So many questions filled my head but now Shawn is singing to me, every time has comes over he sings to me, that calmed me down.

He's like another big brother to me.


Grayson looks perfect today, I love how she's so close to her siblings.

She hasn't even grown an inch since I picked her brothers up to go on tour 3 mounts ago, but Nash still felt horrible for leaving her.

Nash doesn't like to cry in front of people, but on tour he cried almost every night when he talked to Skylynn on the phone, he didn't call Grayson once.

He hates leaving his sisters at home.

I took Skylynn out of the room because Nash told me to do that if he started to cry.

I sang to her, I always sing to her when I see her since when I met her a few years ago and she ask me to but she probably doesn't remember that.

Hayes said that Grayson's a great singer but she only sings in front of family I wish I could hear her sing.


I can't believe I actually left them for THREE MONTHS.

I'm going to make this up to them.

I have to.


I know that didn't actually happen to Hayes I just put it in there to help the dramatic 'I love you' thing and brings up Hayes' depression.

Btw Hayes and Grayson are in 10th grade, Shawn's in 11th and Nash is in 12th grade.

You are going to meet an important character next chapter and she's also based on one of my friends (most of the characters are)

I'm sorry if there's any mess ups I'm not the brightest crayon in the box

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