Just a Big Part of Forgiving

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We just checked in our hotel in Texas for our second stop of the tour.

Aaliyah joined the tour and I'm rooming with her. "What do you want to do?" I said while still on my phone.

"Shawn told me that him and the guys were going to the pool today we should go" she responded while getting her bikini.

I got dressed in mine and we went downstairs.(Grayson's in pic above).

When we got down about 8 fans were surrounding the guys and Shawn was kissing one of them.

Aaliyah covered her eyes, told me me to come get her when he stopped, and left.

I went up to Shawn and waited for them to finish making out.

Finally he pulled away "Shawn your little sister probably doesn't like that your making out with some stranger in a pool so stop or get a room" when I finished I ran up to my room with Aaliyah.

We watched a few movies together and then we got a little hungry so we got Taco Bell for dinner and watched another movie.

She fell asleep so I decided to go to Nash and Hayes' room.

When I walked in I saw that there was a bunch of guys in there but I didn't really care.

I sat on a bed next to Cameron and Nash.

We all just sat for awhile and sang what ever song came on Taylor's phone, until Shawn came in.

"Grayson I need to talk to you" Shawn mumbled before walking into the bathroom I quietly followed and sat down on the closed toilet seat.

Shawn ran his hands through his hair and started to speak.

"I'm sorry Grayson after you yelled at me in the pool I went back to my room- alone and thought for a while. I realised that there's something missing in my life and I think it's you.... I think I need you." He bowed his head.

"You have me we're best friends if you needed a kiss I would have gave you one.... a friendly one?" I stood up and hugged him.

He kissed my cheek and whispered to me "thank you Gray".

Then I went back to my room and fell asleep.

--•KIAN'S POV•--
--•NEXT DAY•-- 4:38 pm

Grayson has been ignoring me for a like a week now and I have no clue why.

I even got Nash to help me get a chance to talk to her, he told her that she had to be with either Sam or me when we were on the plane and she said Sam.

I know Grayson and she says Sam is way to loud for her so she has to be mad at me.

Maybe I should go to her room and talk to her.

When I knocked on the door Aaliyah came and looked annoyed "what do you want?" I have no clue what I did to her.

"I need to talk to Grayson" I mumbled while kicking the ground with my foot.

"Aaliyah who was it" Grayson screamed while walking to the door and putting her hair in a bun.

She looked better than I have ever seen her.

"Can I talk to you for a second" I said, she nodded and I took her to my room.

Gladly Jc was out with Sam and Trevor so I could talk to her alone.

We both sat on my bed "are you mad at me Gray?" I asked quietly.

She laughed a little but then stopped and frowned.

"Nash and Hayes' management don't want their fans focusing on me so I'm just trying to lay low for a little I'm sorry" she instantly changed her mood.

"It's fine I get it" I whispered to her even I don't get it it's not fair that she has to change her life just to make her brothers management happy.

I hugged her and walked her back to her room.

She quietly told me to text her and closed her door.


I liked having that talk with Kian I really missed him.

Aaliyah, Shawn, Nash, Hayes, and I are going on this really fancy dinner date thing.

Nash had the idea, he said he had to tell us something kind of important.

At first I was scared but he said it was about our schooling options for while we were on tour.

I looked somethings up and I know that there is a homeschooling type thing at all of the hotels we are going to.

I even got Olivia to help me find some people who are touring the sane places as us.

So far we found 7 people out of 15 who were doing the program.

Kayla= a short brunette, who is on tour because of her dancing career.

Gage= a tall blonde soccer player, who is on tour with some of his friends and he teaches younger kids cool tricks.

Abby= she's also short brunette but with blonde highlights, I honestly know why she's on tour but she's always with the YouTubers and I think she's in a relationship with one of them.

Will= he's very tall but not as tall as Gage, they are friends in some way, instead of soccer like Gage, Will gives kids tips in football.

Amber= this is weird but I know Amber, my mom told me that she was the first person I ever met outside of the family. Her family moved a lot so when we were 5 we were separated. She's on the same tour as Will, Gage, she apparently moved to their school when she was in like 8th grade and has never left. I'm excited to talk to her again but apparently we are like polar opposites.

Morgan= you guys know Morgan. I have forgave her about everything that happened a while ago and we are good friends now. She's on tour for singing.

Libby= I met her a while ago at a camp and her and I were friends for a while but lost touch. She was on tour for volleyball with ,Gage, Will and Amber.

After a while of just playing on my phone I decided to get ready for the dinner. I hope he lets us do the hotel homeschooling thing.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in a while I have had a lot going on.

Please vote and comment if you have any questions!!!!!

I'm sorry if there's any mess ups I'm not the brightest crayon in the box

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