The End

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It's been four months and two things have happened. Havia (Hayes and Olivia) found out that they're having a girl, and Jia moved out.

They bought a house in our neighbourhood so we could still be there for Nolan though.

I didn't really want them to move out.

I get that they are starting a family and moving on with their lives but I'm still going to miss them.

"We just finished unpacking, and decorating do you want to come see the house?" Lia asked at my doorway.

I nodded and followed her out to her car.

I have this weird thing where I can't see a house unfinished and like it in the when it's finished, so I had to wait all this time to go to their new house.

We pulled up to a beautiful, white brick house.

I hopped out of the car and walked up to the front door with Lia by my side

"It has four bedrooms and four bathrooms" Lia informed me.

She opened the door and I followed her close behind.

She showed me around the whole main floor, and stopped in the dining room.

"Jc come down here" Lia yelled, "We have to talk to you for a second" she said sitting down at the table.

I nodded awkwardly and sat down across from her.

"So we talked to Havia and we made a decision for the kids" Jc said sitting at the head of the table, in the middle of Lia and I.

"We are going to keep doing everything we have always done, with video and things, but we are not going to be putting a lot about the kids online until they graduate. Then they can make their own decision." Lia finished.

"We will post pictures on birthdays or holidays and if they decide they want to be YouTubers, or viners then we will decide the appropriate age for that when the time comes." Jc added on.

"I think that's a great plan" I smiled.

We talked a little longer about Nolan and the Havia baby, and then we ate lunch.

"How's Nolan doing?" I asked putting my plate into the dishwasher.

"He's great, he's napping now but he has been making a lot of noises when he's awake which the doctor said means he might start talking soon." Lia chirped.

"Oh that's great. He is so lucky to have you two as parents" I complimented them.

After talking about Nolan for a while Lia took me home.

I went straight up to Skylynn's room to play with her.

It's hard to believe how much she has grown up over the years.

It's also hard to believe we're going to be aunts soon, Sky and I.

I hope the Havia baby likes me, I know I will love her.

Maybe Nolan and the Havia baby will become friends.

Hopefully they will, sometimes life can be hard and they might need someone to talk to about it.

All I know is that if they stick together they will be able to do a lot in life.

They just have to stay together.

The End

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