Jia baby is here

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It was close to 4 in the morning when my mom ran into my room "Lia's in labor" she informed me.

I jumped out of bed, put my converse on and hurried outside.

Jc was in the drivers seat, and my mom was in the back with Lia trying to calm her down so I sat in the passenger seat.

The second I buckled my seatbelt Jc started to pull out of the driveway.

"Breath baby breath" Jc comforted her.

I looked back at Lia.

She was still as beautiful as always, her hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing sweatpants, and Jc's sweatshirt.

Jc was still as happy as ever, excited to be a dad.

When we arrived at the hospital a nurse came out, put Lia in a wheelchair and walked her in.

Jc ran close behind his smile big and bright.

My mom moved to the drivers seat.

"Lets go back home and get her some stuff" my mom said

"I'm going to stay here so Lia can have a girl there too" I said getting out of the car and walking into the hospital.

I found her room and knocked at the door.

Jc came out looking stressed "She looks like shes in a alot of pain. I hope everything turns out okay."

"I'm sure it will. You guys did everything you were told to do and more." I assured him.

He nodded and took a deep breath.

"We found a house we really liked" Jc sighed.

"Whats wrong with that?" I asked sitting next to him on a bench in the hospital hall.

"I'm afraid Lia will want to stop youtube and stuff to watch the baby, but I really don't want her beautiful talent to go to waste."

"That's why you have to be there for her. You have to lead her in the right direction." I smiled. "You can do it"

He started to cry. "What if I'm bad at this whole parenting thing?" he whispered.

"You won't be" I laughed. "I promise you. All you need to do is use your big heart and brilliant brain and you'll do great."

"Jc can you come in here Lia needs you" the doctor came out and informed us.

They both walked in the room.

I waited outside, counting people walking by, trying to guess why they were here.

I don't have any good memories in hospitals but maybe they do.

Suddenly Lia's room door open interrupting me from my thoughts.

It was the doctor "You can go see the baby now." she said smiling big, like she was proud.

"Hey Grayson meet Nolan Zander Caylen my baby boy" Lia said as I walked into the small hospital room.

She was holding him and staring at Jc who was staring at her back.

Nolan looked small, around 6 pounds. He had a little hair, curly and light brown on the top of his big head. His eyes were closed but his mouth was wide open. He was moving his hands everywhere as if he was dancing to his mothers music playing from her phone.

His eyelids started to flutter open revealing his big bright green eyes.

I smiled and started to walk towards the bed.

"Nolan this is Aunt Grayson, I have a feeling you'll see her a lot growing up" Jc chuckled.

"Here hold him" Lia smiled.

I took him into my arms swaying side to side. he was so beautiful and innocent. So pure and untouched. I didn't want to see him grow-up, but he has to.

"Hey Nolan" I started to cry, happy tears of course. "Right now you are the most pure and innocent you will ever be".

"If you think about it, that's pretty great." I paused. "I just wanted to warn you, life can be hard. Sometimes you might feel like you can't get through it but I wanted to tell you that you can."

He grabbed my thumb at stared right at me like he understood, and in the that moment it felt like he did.

He understood.

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