Dinner With the Fam

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We were all at the restaurant, I was in the middle of Shawn and Nash, and Hayes was in the middle of Olivia and Aaliyah right across from us.

Aaliyah was wearing a aqua-ish blue-ish green-ish, dress and shiny silver heels. Olivia was wearing a black and white dress with tan and black heels, and I was wearing a red-ish pink-ish orange-ish dress, with sparkly silver heels (in pic above).

"You look beautiful" Shawn whispered in my ear and kissed my check, no one noticed because everyone was reading their menu.

"Thank you Shawnie" I whispered back with a big smile on my face.

After several stupid conversations and too many random outbursts of laughter Nash finally started to talk about our school.

"I know it's the summer and all but Bart still wants us to do some schooling" Shawn and Hayes interrupted him with a quiet boo.

"I know it's not the most fun thing to do but we can make some friends and get smarter over the summer."

Then I interrupted "I don't think we need more friends. I'm almost out of room in the contact list in my phone why can't we do online schooling?"

Nash quickly started to talk again before anyone else decided they had something to say.

"The truth is he wants to use our fam to help promote the other teens that are touring. I have a list of their names" he reached into his pocked and pulling out a extremely folded piece of paper.

"Kayla, Abby, Sage, Amber, Chiana, Aiden, Morgan, Wyatt, Elliot."

When he finished listing the names everyone was silent accept for Shawn

"I think think will be a great opportunity for us right Liyah?"

I don't know why but Aaliyah did look kind of mad.

"I guess" she answered back quietly.

"I think it's going to be fun little Lilac what's wrong?" Olivia piped up.

Aaliyah left the table and we all look at Shawn for a reason.

"She was bullied in school... because of me, she doesn't want to go back to any school at all." he looked like he was tearing up so I grabbed his hand.

"Shawn she doesn't blame you in any way believe me, when Nash and Hayes got famous I was bullied but no matter what I always made sure not to blame them." He looked at me for a second and then thanked me.

After a few minutes Olivia and I got Aaliyah from the bathroom and we all left.

Hayes and Olivia are sharing Nash and Hayes' hotel room, and Nash is going to stay with Cameron who is actually alone.

I decided to start a group chat with everyone who I'm going to school with, Morgan gave me their numbers.

Me- Hey my name is Grayson, I'm touring with the magcon/ O2L group and I'm going to do classes with you guys so I just wanted to get to know some of you.

Amber- Well you know me and you know that Elliot is my big brother

Morgan- Of course you know me

Kayla- My name is Kayla I'm a dancer and the youngest dancer on tour so I have to do schooling but I think it's pretty fun

Abby- I'm Abby I'm only on tour because I'm dating Danny Edge, he's a YouTuber, don't tell anyone that okay?

Me- Okay

Sage- Sup I'm Sage I'm the cool one jk I have known most of these idiots since like birth because we were born and raised to be 'prodigies' so if you need any help with anything tell me

Wyatt- Sage your not being very welcoming

Wyatt- Oh sorry I'm Wyatt, I don't know what to say about myself maybe you should say a little about yourself?

Me- Okay, I didn't do anything to be on tour I'm just here because my brothers are Nash and Hayes Grier. I like to sing and listen to music. I have a pretty boring life though

Aiden- You seem cool by the way I'm Aiden, I have heard of your brothers Kayla loves them.

Kayla- It would be nice if you wouldn't talk about me

Aiden- How many times do I have to say sorry

Chiana- Guys stop it. I'm sorry about them they are in a little argument I'm Chiana and I'm dating Paul Zimmer it's been 2 years don't tell anyone tell that either

Elliot- Gary!!!! I miss you!!! Are you still 4'6?

Me- No I've grown since we last saw eachother

Me- And please don't call me Gary

Wyatt- We have to go to bed ttyl

Me- Okay night

I turned off my phone and instantly fell asleep.

We were having a meet and great tommorrow and I'm so excited.

A lot of fans have tweeted me extremely nice things, and I can't wait to meet them.

--·NEXT MORNING ·--12:00

I get to met everyone that is in the schooling program I'm in today.

I'm on my way to meet up with Sage, Wyatt, and Aiden.

We are going to have lunch together and then go hang out with the rest of the people tomorrow.

Finally I got to chipotle and ordered my food. Sage was already there.

"Why are you here so early and where's they other boys?" I asked while sitting down across from him.

"I just wanted to talk to you" he said while pulling his sleeves down and holding them with his fingers.

I nodded my head and ate a spoonful of the mixture of food in my burrito bowl.

He took a sip of soda and urgently starting talking, "by the way Wyatt.. you know what, just stay away from Wyatt".

I was sort of confused. "What's wrong with Wyatt?" I asked, it came out sort of silent.

"Well he's not the nicest guy if you know what I mean, he's a great friend and usually he's pretty awesome"... "but he has a bit of a temper sometimes" he stopped and looked down at his arms for the fifth time so far.

I decided to speak a little louder "what does he do when he loses his temper."

"I don't what to tell about it yet but, I'll make sure you stay safe" he then looked at his arm.

He softly touched it and winched in pain. "This might be a extremely personal question but... did he hurt you?" I asked as quiet as possible.

"I.. uh... can... um... I don't... Okay he did... he got really mad at me last month.. and... um... well..." His studer was very noticable, he was scared to talk about it.

"You don't have to talk about it but you have to promise me you will call me if he gets mad again." he hesitated a little.

"Okay I promise" he whispered, right before the guys walk in including Wyatt...

Also I changed Kaylas character because if I didn't then she wouldnt be in it and that would be sad.

I'm sorry if there's any mess ups I'm not the brightest crayon in the box -mo*XOXO💕

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