What an Eventful Day

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"Come in" Shawn screamed.

Kian and I walked in with three cups of Starbucks and I sat on his bed next to him.

"How you doin' Shawn" I questioned while fixing his hair slightly.

"I don't know good I guess" he looked down at his lap.

"Where's your laptop I want to see the video." I ask to him looking around.

He found it and gave it to me.

Kian and I watched the video and Shawn silently drank his drink.

When the video was done I jumped on Shawn and wrapped my arms around him "I'm so proud of you" I whispered "the video is so perfect".

I let go of him and handed him the laptop "post it".

He sat for a while staring at the screen and then slowly uploaded the video.

"Shawn you now have millions of people that are going to support you through anything all you have to do is tell them" I said while holding his hand.

It was the truth.

Why do 'famous' people keep secrets from their fans?

Shawn sat silently at his laptop looking at all of the comments people were posting.

They were all so perfect and kind he started to cry.

Everyone was silent until my phone went off.

I left the room and answered the call without looking at the caller ID.

Me- Hello

?-I think Hayes is cheating on me

It was Olivia

Me- Why do you think that Liv

Olivia- This morning he wasn't here when I woke up so I called him and he told me he was out with Nash but I kept hearing a girl talking in the background

Me- Okay I'm going to call him I'll call you back in a second

Olivia- Okay thank you Grayson I have missed you being my friend

Me- Same here Liv glad to have my sister back.

I hung up and called Hayes.

Hayes- Hey baby sis what's up

Me- Are you cheating on Olivia cause if you are I'm not even joking that will be the last straw

Hayes- No what are you talking about

Me- Where were you when she called you this morning

Hayes- Oh I can't tell you that

Me- Are you being serious... yes you will tell me and now!!!

Hayes- Okay fine I was planning a surprise birthday party for her with Jenn and Lia

Me- You promise me that?

Hayes- Yes now I have to go talk to her.... I really like her you know

Me- Yeah I know Hayes... I'll talk to you later bye

I love their relationship especially since Hayes is so romantic.

Olivia said she has liked him since we were little I'm kind of glad they ended up together.

When I walked back into Shawn's room he told us that he was tired and wanted to go to sleep, so Kian and I hugged him and left.

Kian started the car and took a deep breath "I feel so bad that Shawn was going through all that".

"Yeah I'm just glad that he's recovering" he started to drive away and wee had a silent ride home, but when we got home that's a whole new story...

"I'M DONE WITH THIS AND I'M GOING TO QUIT O2L!!!" When we walked in Sam was intensely screaming at Jc and Trevor was crying in the kitchen.

"Kian take Jc up to his room I'll talk to Sam and Trevor" I demanded Kian.

Kian took Jc upstairs and I went into the Kitchen with Sam.

"What happened guys?" Trevor got up and sat in Sam's lap sobbing into his shirt.

Sam kissed his forehead and started to speak "Jc told Trevor that he was the least watched person in O2L and that nobody even liked him... not even me" when Sam was done I saw a few tears fall from his eyes.

"Trevor you know that's not true something must be wrong with Jc right now you guys just stay here I'm going to go see what's up." they both nodded and I went upstairs.

I knocked on Jc's door and Jc and Kian were hugging.

"Why would you say that to Trevor?" I said practically screaming.

Jc pulled apart from the hug "I don't know I love that little guy I love him so much I don't know what happened with me" he was now sobbing.

"There has to be a reason Jc" I said I'm not going to fall for his sad act like Kian did.

"Okay I like someone and I know I will never be able to have them... I'm just jealous I'm so sorry" Kian stood beside him and whispered things into his ear.

"It's okay Jc" I said trying to help Kian make Jc feel better.

"But you should go apologize to them... do you want us to come with you" he was now crying softer.

"No I can do it thanks guys" Jc hugged us both and went down stairs.

"What an eventful day"

I'm soooooo sorry I haven't posted anything in a while I found a fan fic and fell in love...

Also I found out that one of the new cute guys at my school is reading this so... Hi

I'm sorry if there's any mess ups I'm not the brightest crayon in the box

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