Makoto × Reader

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No author note! Enjoy!


You and Makoto met in your second year of high school and began dating in your second semester of that same year in high school.

It has now been over four years since then.

Now it's been over four weeks since he got down on one knee and asked you to marry him. 

Although you still have one year, you already started to plan the wedding. 

It will take place on the beach and the bridesmaids will wear a beautiful light green.

"(Y/N), you don't need to plan already, we still have a year. I don't want you to get stressed when we need to be prepared for college to begin again." 

"I'll be done for today after I send these messages to some of my friends asking them to be bridesmaids." You agreed to stop because you didn't want him to be worried about you.

This is one of those things that you like about him but get annoyed with it when it gets too out of hand. 

After you finish with that, you two begin to make dinner together, which is one of the highlights of your day. 

\\Time Skip//

It's now one month before your big day, and you couldn't be more excited.

You recently graduated in your second year of college, and you were very proud of you and Makoto for making it through the past few years together. 

Now, you two were going out to your favorite restaurant together to celebrate. You ordered your favorite meals and talked about all of the fun you two had together with all of your friends in the past year of college, although you plan to see all of them again for another two years. 

"Just one more month." Makoto reminded you, although he really didn't need to. How could you forget about one of the most important days of your entire life? 

Your face immediately lit up as he said this to you. 

"I can't wait." you replied, smiling.

"Neither can I."  He said.

//Time Skip to ya Weddin Day\\

You were a complete mess this day.

Not in the way you looked, you were absolutely stunning. You were frantic, making sure everything was going perfectly and the way you wanted to. You really were worried over nothing, because everything was fine. 

You had your dress on, which looked absolutely amazing on you. Your makeup was perfect, although you were a bit hesitant to wear it. Usually you don't wear much at all, maybe concealer and eyeliner when you felt like putting it on. Your hair was intricately put up beautifully. 

Now it was time to walk down and see your soon to be husband. 

He was waiting patently, still wondering how you would look, and when he saw you, he had stars in his eyes. 

You looked down at him, a huge smile forming on your face instantly which also happened to him, too.

//Time Skip again because I aint about the wedding life and I know nothing about it lol\\

After you two said your vows, I do's, and got all of your pictures taken, you headed to the reception hall. 

The party was amazing. All of your friends from college were there. Also, some friends that you haven't seen in two years were there too, Haruka, Rin, Rei, and Nagisa.

It was the perfect day that ended in a perfect night. Now, you get live a perfect life with your perfect husband.


Did you like it? I hope so. I really did try on this one with no other knowledge of weddings besides watching many episodes of Four Weddings. I know. I am a loser. 

Check out my quizzes on quotev if ya want too. No one has asked me to make any Free! Iwatobi Swim Club/Eternal Summer quizzes yet so don't look for them. 

Link here: 

Or just look up splovocado1124

Next week is another Rin update! Look forward to it, my Lovelies~! 


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