Rin X Reader

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Aye! I'm back after a long long long long looooooooong time. This might be very VERY ooc for Rin, but I honestly don't know anymore because I haven't watched anime for about a year now. K-pop has taken over my life, but I love it!

Anyways, enjoy my lovelies~

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You slam your fist on the table beside you, desperately trying to turn off your screaming alarm.

"Yes~" you raised your fist in victory after the blaring ceased. Turning to your left, you look for your boyfriend, Rin. However, all you see are crumpled bed sheets.

Checking your clock, you see that it's seven in the morning. How long ago did he wake up? You wonder. Rin usually slept until eight, and you didn't hear an alarm go off. You felt his spot on the bed next to you only to discover that it was as cold as Haru's expression.

You ventured out of bed in search of your shark-toothed boyfriend. "Rin?" you call out. Suddenly, a pleasant smell wafts over to you. Pancakes? You thought. Rin can't cook for crap though! You become extremely worried and head off to the kitchen to see what damage he caused.

You were pleasantly surprised to see that your boyfriend prepared a magnificent breakfast and also had cleaned all of the dishes he made in the process.

"Look (Y/N)!!!! I successfully made breakfast for once! Nothing got burned, including me, see~" he held out both of his hands to prove that he didn't injure himself once, unlike the last time he tried to make food.

"I can't believe you could actually accomplish something like this. I'm so proud of you!" You gave a him a bright smile and his face lit up with happiness.

He rushed you over to the table, which was filled with the food that he prepared. Rin set a plate and a glass of water next to you. "Take some! Try it already! I want to see if you like it."

You grabbed one of the many pancakes in front of you and hesitantly took a bite. The taste was amazing, but you wanted to mess with him, like usual.

You scrunched up your face as if a terrible taste was lingering in your mouth. He looked at you worriedly.

"Is it really that bad? If you don't like it, you can spit it out and wash the taste away, that's why I gave you the water - just in case!" He was getting frantic, and he even stuck his hand in front of your mouth for you to spit the delicious food out.

You swallowed the food finally, and looked up at him. Rin looked so worried and exhausted after what you did.

You burst out in laughter because of the look on Rin's face. "Were you messing with me? Why would you do that! I was really worried for a minute, I actually thought I messed up again. You're so mean to me!" he pouted. You couldn't stop laughing, especially after his cute remark. Eventually he gave in and started to laugh with you.

"Seriously though, it was really good. You should have some too, you worked hard and deserve it!" You reassured him. So, he sat down next to you and you both ate the breakfast he prepared together.

~~~~~Time Skip Thing~~~~~

You and Rin took all of the dishes to the sink and started to wash them.

"When did you wake up to start making all of this? Didn't it take you a while?" You questioned.

"Yeah, I woke up around 6 to start. I guess it didn't take me too long, compared to the other times I tried to do this." He responded. "I also didn't wake you up this time with the smoke alarm!" He added, bringing back hilarious memories of the times your boyfriend tried to cook for you.

You focused back on your cleaning and realized how weird Rin has been recently. He seems to be more caring towards you and actually helps around the house.

"Hey Rin, thank you for the breakfast. Also, thanks for helping me clean up." He smiled back at you. "I did make this mess, after all." He said.

The cleanup was finished and you both went over to the couch to relax. You both had this Saturday off, and the best way to spend it was with each other.

"You know why I did all of that for you, right?" he asked you, as you sat down on the couch next to Rin and snuggled into him. "No, why?" You questioned.

"It's because I realized that I haven't been treating you the way a good boyfriend should treat their girlfriend. I didn't want us to split up because of how careless I was. I love you, and I want to make sure that you know it." He told you. He blushed slightly from embarrassment after spilling out his feelings to you. He always thought of himself as a tough kind of guy who always had a smirk on his face. Now he felt like he fits the flower boy type instead.

"You are always so good to me, you didn't need to change for me! I will love you no matter what~" You smiled up at him and gave him a quick kiss.

Suddenly, he yawned. "I don't know about you, but I could really use a nap." he said. "Me too~" you said, and wrapped your arm around him.

You and Rin both slept snuggled on the couch next to each other, but this was only the beginning to your peaceful day off with your perfect boyfriend.

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It wasn't too bad, was it? I forgot literally everything I learned about the Japanese culture from being into anime and such, but I am close to being an expert in Korean culture hehe~

Also, since I came back on, I noticed that a lot of you are requesting in the comments section. Check out my author's note to see how to request because I don't accept any that are in the comments.

Until next time, my lovelies~

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