Rei × Artistic!Reader

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You walked into school one morning with your twin brother Nagisa and your crush Rei. They were talking about swim practice and how they were excited for their next tournament.

"(Y/n), are you going to stay for practice today?" Your adorable brother asked. Watching their practice to keep Gou company was one thing that you did frequently.

"I guess I cou-" before you could finish, Nagisa jumped in front of you and shouted right in your face "Will you buy us ice cream after!?" He reminded you of a three year old.

"Pay me back and I will." (Y/n) crossed her arms over her chest. "Awww (y/n)-chan, you're so cruel!!!" The cute little guy pouted, but you ignored it, you were used to his cuteness by now since you looked quite like him.

"She should not have to pay, Nagisa. But if she would pay for you, it would only be fair if you payed her back." Rei said. You smirked at Nagisa who only gasped and said "Rei-chan!"

The bell rang, interrupting your little conflict and you all went to your classes.

~~~~~woo skipping class~~~~~

At lunch, you sat with Nagisa, Rei, Haru, Makoto, and Gou like usual. They talked about swimming and such while you sat there quietly and ate. Although you and your brother looked alike, you acted quite different from him, you were much more shy.

Your blonde brother exclamed "(Y/n)-chan said she would pay for ice cream after practice today!" which made you instantly snap your head up and glare at Nagisa, who shrank back down. "Rei said I should but you have to pay me back." Nagisa and Rei kept on fighting about how Rei didn't take his side on this and if that is the right thing to do or not. This went on for the rest of your lunch break but Haru, Makoto, Gou and you ignored them and went back to the regular routine minus Rei and Nagisa.

~~~~~End of School Day!!!~~~~~

Sitting down next to Gou, you took out your sketchbook and began drawing random people. "You're a really good drawer, (nickname)-chan!" Gou said. "Thanks..." you flipped over the page and began a new sketch.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when Gou whispered in your ear "You like Rei, don't you?" She giggled and you flushed red. ( or should I say reid ;P ) "N-no I don't!" You whisper-yelled.

Your redheaded friend pointed at your drawing and proved her point. "Then why did you draw him, and why is he in a field of flowers surrounded by butterflies and wearing a flower crown?" You became a deeper shade of red, if possible. "Don't tell anyone, I didn't even realize I drew that I swear! I got lost in my thoughts I guess." Gou giggled at you. "Don't worry, your secret's save with me, heehee!" You sighed, wishing you could be with Rei and you closed your sketchbook.


After buying everyone ice cream after practice, Nagisa, Rei, and you walked home. The blue haired boy noticed your sketchbook . "Did you draw anything in there?" He asked. You nodded, but after remembering the drawing you did of him, you reddened. "Whoah, (y/n)-chan, you look like a tomato! Hey! Rei-chan can do that to, like the one time in class when he fell asleep and he-" Rei did turn into a tomato head like Nagisa said and put his hand over Nagisa's mouth before he could finish.

"I was there I know what happened." You giggled after saying that. "Oh, I never answered your question; yes, I do draw in it, but some drawings are bad and embarrassing..." you tucked a piece of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. "Maybe you can show Rei-chan your drawings after dinner, going to his house for a while today!!"

Your eyes widened when you heard that you were going to Rei's house. "Um, I don't know..."

"It's okay (y/n)-chan, you can trust Rei-chan!!!" Sometimes you think Nagisa is to hyper to handle. "Okay, he just can't look at the ones I say he can't look at."

~~~~~Rei-chan's house!~~~~~

After showing Rei some of your sketches and impressing him quite a bit, you decided to go get a drink from the kitchen, after Rei excused you. He took the chance to look at some more drawing of yours and landed to a very beautiful page, one of himself to be exact.

Rei stared at the masterpiece in awe, just as you came back into the room. Your face, yet again, became a dark pink when you noticed him looking at the page.

"I-I'm sorry, (y/n)-san. I was just flipping a-and I didn't know, though this is very beautiful..." your face became darker. "Rei, I just want to get this out there even though I know you don't want to waste your time on a relationship with someone, I like you, heck, I love you." You took a deep breath after that, feeling relieved from getting that off your chest.

When Rei didn't respond, you were worried that you ruined everything. You looked down and didn't see him close your sketchbook, walk over to you,  and take your hand. You looked him in his beautiful violet eyes as he looked in your (e/c) eyes.

"I'm willing to try with you."

Those were the words that kept you and your new boyfriend, Rei, happy for a very long time.

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WAS THAT GOOD? This one took me a while so I hope it's okay. Rei was very hard for me to write about so I hope it was at least decent and all of you Rei lovers are happy with how I did. Leave requests, oc characters MAYBE if you want to but also send a plot with the oc character, luv ya! Byeeee

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