Makoto × Reader

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So yeah. I feel bad....
I said I was bringing back the story but I never got around to making another piece.
Lately I have been watching different animes (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Daily Lives of High School Boys, and Zankyou no Terror) and totally forgot about this :S
So here you go.... Please don't hate me


As you were walking to college with your best friend Makoto, he mentioned how you both had tests to study for.  He asked to study with you and you agreed.

##Time Skip##

"I don't wanna study, Mako-chan!!" You groaned. Studying was not your thing but you knew you had to in order to pass the exam.

"If you want to get an A then you have to stay with me here."

Even though Makoto encouraged you through your study session, you couldn't remember anything he was trying to teach you.

"I just don't get it!!!" You exclaimed in defeat.

"Tell me what you don't get."

This is what you hated about studying. "I'm having trouble remembering the notes."

Makoto thought for a moment. "What if something crazy happened? Will that help you remember?"

You shook your head, "Probably. What do you mean by crazy?"

Before you could do anything else, he leaned in and kissed you. Of course, him being you crush, you kissed back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Heck yes."

This will definitely be a day to remember.

##Time Skip##


You ran at him as fast as you could after your class ended.

"What is it, (Y/N) -chan?"

You proudly showed him your test that had a big A plastered at the top page.

"Amazing!" He exclaimed.

Then he took out his test to show the same grade.

Let's just say you and Makoto have enjoyed studying from that day on.

I apologize for that mess. I haven't written something in a looooong time so I need to get back in the groove.

Thanks for reading, and as always, requests are always open so go go go!

Goodbye for now, my lovelies~♡

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