Makoto X Reader

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I recently have been getting notifications on this and am very surprised to see that people are actually still reading this and want me to continue. So, here you go!


As soon as you wake up, you look at your bedside clock and are put into a panic. 

"I can't believe I slept in!" you mentally curse at your college room mate for not waking you up when your alarm didn't.

You got up, ran to the shower, and took the quickest shower you have ever taken in your life.

"I can't be late again!" you ran out of your dorm straight into someone.

"Sorry! I'm going to be late for class!" you almost yelled. "Dude, just chill out. Classes are cancelled today. It's some sort of holiday or somethin'. I don't know." the hipster you ran into said. You stood there, dumbfounded. "Peace-" he said, holding up two fingers and then walked away.

You took out your phone and texted your best friend, Makoto. 

(Y/N): Hey Mako~ Do you want to hang out today, classes are cancelled!

M: Sure \(^_^)/ I tried calling you this morning, but you didn't respond. Are you alright?

  (Y/N): I woke up past my alarm, but otherwise I'm okay!

M: Wanna go for a cup of coffee?

(Y/N): Sure, meet at *whatev cafe* in an hour?

M: K! See ya then!

Stepping back into your dorm room, you mentally prepared yourself to meet up with Makoto, just the two of you. Alone. Usually, Haruka would go with you, but since he is out doing his own swimming thing and Mako is in college, he hasn't been able to hang out with the two of you. 

'Is this considered a date? Should I confess my feelings to him? What if he confesses to me and I freeze up?'  You tried to get those thoughts out of your head and focus on your makeup. It's not too intricate because of your time, but still looks amazing. You put on a cute floral dress and flats. 'Nice'  You mentally compliment yourself when you look at the masterpiece that you are. 

You are finally at the coffee shop, but when you look around you don't see Makoto. Brushing it off, you go inside and order a coffee for yourself. Since it's cold out, the warm mug feels perfect in your hands.

After about ten minutes, you start to get impatient. 'Where is he?'  You look outside, just as he pulled up into his car. He runs in and sits across from you in the booth and starts worrying. "How long did I make you wait?" he asks quickly. "Well, I got here about five minutes early, so about fifteen minutes." you respond. "I'm so sorry! You didn't already pay for that did you? I want to make it up to you! I'll do anything!" he pleads.

'Anything?'  You start thinking, but then another thought comes into your head killing the other. "If you ask him to go on a date with you and he ends up not liking you, you will look like a fool! Don't think such things like he will date you!'  You look down, trying to think of something.

"Well, I already payed for this coffee, but... What about going on a date with me? I mean, if you don't want to, it's totally fine with me..." you blushed and looked out of the window, trying to avoid all eye-contact with him. 

"I thought this was  a date, I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend actually." He rubs the back of his neck as he's a bit embarrassed. 

A waitress comes over to your table. "Is everything alright over here? Do you need anything, sir?" she asks Makoto. "No thank you, we're kind of busy here..." he replies, slightly blushing as he says it. "Oh, sorry for disturbing you two." she bows slightly then says, "Are you two dating? You should. You would make a cute couple. Oh, sorry! I will leave you two alone now!" she bows slightly yet again and finally leaves you and Makoto alone to discuss your feelings for each other. Maybe you two actually will become a couple.

You look back at him, blushing furiously now. "Seriously? You  like me?" You ask, astonished. 

"Well yeah, it wasn't obvious? Haru knew, and I didn't even tell him. So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks sheepishly. 

"Um, yeah. Sure, I like you too, like, a lot." You say, your voice slowly drifting off as it gets to the end of the sentence. 

You look each other in the eyes, but then start laughing at how awkward you made the situation.

"You're really cute when you laugh, you know? I absolutely love  your laugh." he compliments.

"Really? Thanks. I absolutely love  how wonderful you are." you compliment back, you both are smiling by now. 

You two continue talking with each other, when you suddenly realize something horrible. 

"Oh crap! I'm so sorry Mako. I really need to get back to my dorm. I have a final tomorrow, I completely procrastinated and did not study. We can meet up another time right?" you confess.

"We can absolutely meet up again. For a date, not just to hang out this time. If you want, I can help you study?" He offers. 

"That would be great. I could really use the help! Thank you so much!" you reply with a smile, which he returns. 

You both leave and meet up at your dorm, ready to prepare for your upcoming test.


How was this? I haven't written in a while, but it doesn't seem too  bad. Please don't anticipate scheduled updates after this has been published. I'm not sure if I can balance this along with regular updates. Thanks for understanding!

Until next time,

Happy reading, my Lovelies~

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