Nagisa × Reader

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YO!!!  I got a laptop so writing will be easier. I know, you are all probably mad at me for not writing in AGES. And I do truly apologize, please except it!! I promise to work hard and actually try to do something before school starts!! I will try to keep it going even when school begins, so please look forward to it!!! 

Enjoy the story please, I haven't written in a long time so give me feedback!!!

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Summer. What every school student looks forward to every year. 

This summer is different, though. You and your friends have to make the most of it before Haru, Makoto, and Rin leave to work on their own careers.

Nagisa and you have been hanging out almost every day due to his giant crush on you, but somehow you haven't realized it yet.

"(Y/N)-CHAAAAAAAN!!!" Your little penguin friend comes running to you just like how he has in the beginning of summer. 

"What are we doing today?" This morning Nagisa texted you to meet him at the boardwalk, but you were clueless on the events of that day. You did have a feeling that you two were going to go to the carnival that was occurring near you because why else would he ask you to go there with him?

"We are going to jump off of this into the water!!!" He exclaimed cheerfully.

As he said that sentence you gave him a "really?" look.  A/N you know what I mean right???? \(^റ^)/

"Yeesh! Can't you tell? We are going to the Carnival!!!" You gave a sigh of relief knowing what that boy does sometimes.

Nagisa pulled you over to the first booth he saw with a giant teddy bear prize. 

He looked at you with a big smile on his face and said "If I win this for you in one, wait no, THREE tries you have to be my girlfriend, okay?" 

You giggled at him and agreed, knowing that he would not be able to make it. 

No matter how hard he tried, he just could not win. He pouted at you and asked "Even though I did not win this teddy for you, could you please, please, pleeeeaase be my girlfriend??" 

You grinned, because deep down you were hoping for the day that he would ask you out. "Alright, I will be your girlfriend." Just after you said that, Haru, Rin, Makoto, and Rei came out with snow cones for everyone. 

"Let's enjoy being with each other today, summer doesn't last forever."

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UGH I HATE MYSELF. I am so sorry for this crap I call a one-shot. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!! I really did try after not writing an update after so long. I promise to work harder next time, I just need some inspiration to write better!!

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