Kisumi X Reader Pt. 1

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Since I didn't have much time to write this one shot, I'm doing it in two parts. So here is the preview/part 1 of the Kisumi one-shot!

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Finally, the bell rang for school to be dismissed for the weekend. You grabbed your backpack and started to walk over to the soccer field. Kisumi asked you to meet him there, he said he had something very important to tell you. 

You both knew each other growing up, but in junior high he decided to ask you to be his girlfriend. It's now May and you have been "official" since the Winter Festival at school in December. 

You saw him standing by the one of the goals, talking to some of his other friends. He saw you walking towards him and asked his friends to leave you and him alone. They knew what was going to happen, so they left and began playing soccer on the other end of the field. 

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan..." he started. Something seemed off about him, so you were beginning to get nervous at why he asked you to talk to him. 

"Hi, Kisumi. Why did you ask me to meet you here?" you asked, trying to sound calm, but on the inside you were extremely worried. His facial expression didn't help you either.

His hand reached the back of his neck and he rested it there. "I kind of, well, I don't know. I guess I don't feel the same way I did when I asked you to be my girlfriend. So, I guess I'm gonna end what we have? I'm sorry if this is going to hurt you, (Y/N)-chan. I just don't have feelings for you anymore. Well, I gotta go now, the boys are waiting for me. See ya around,(Y/N)-chan..." he trailed off and ran over to his friends, leaving you stunned. 

You stood there with your jaw dropped, still finding the news difficult to take, especially how he just left after telling you about how he doesn't love you anymore. 

You hear him and his friends laughing with each other, wishing you that you could be the one making him laugh. With your head strung down, you walked home, alone for the first time in a very long time. 


Later that night, you laid in your bed, hoping for a text or a call from Kisumi saying that he was wrong about what happened earlier and he wants to get back together. 

You waited for more than an hour for him to call, but he never did. 

So, you finally gave up and went to sleep, dreaming about Kisumi and the great relationship you two had, and also wondered what went wrong.

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How was this preview? I figured that I would do this one-shot in two parts because of the time skip that takes place between the two parts of the story. 

Thanks for reading this short one-shot, and look forward to the end of the story next week, my lovelies~   

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